Volcano Popocatépetl Appears
The whole time Brittany the photographer was here, we kept telling her we had these magnificent volcanoes all around us. But the weather being what it was, she kind of had to take our word for it.
Today, however, was a windy day, and the clouds parted and volcanoes started popping out of nowhere.
So I quickly snapped this picture of Popocatépetl, known to the slow-of-tongue as "Popo".
Popo is one of several active volcanoes in central Mexico. The name comes from the Aztec (Nahuatl) for smoking mountain, and it smokes a lot. Perhaps due to the wind there was not a lot of smoke to be seen today, though you can see a puff if you look closely.

Click the image to see higher resolution versions. This is the second-last day of 30 photos posted in 30 days.
8 February 2012 @ 11:25 pm
Yes, I think I can see a puff.
Too bad Brittany missed out on the volcanoes while there.