Pastor Martin Falls and Survives
Those of you who receive our email updates have already heard the news about Martín, and his fall on Friday. But I wanted to give you a bit more of a picture of what happened and where things are at now, so that you can continue to pray. I pieced together what I wrote below from the news I’ve gotten from friends in Mexico. (Note: If you want to get our updates, sign up here)
For those who don’t know or have forgotten, Martín (say mar-TEEN and you’re close) is the pastor of the first church we served in in Ixtapaluca, and a dear friend.
Friday August 26th
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Martín was working with some men on his house in the early afternoon. Around 2pm, the men were handing him 3 metre sections of angle iron from below. He was standing on a fourth floor ledge (see the photo to the right). While handling the section of angle iron, part of it came into contact with an electrical wire.
The shock apparently entered his right hand, and left through his right foot (he was wearing steel-toed boots).
At this moment Martín lost his balance and fell. Apparently his head hit the metal fence on the second floor (you can see the dent in the picture below), then he hit the roof tile, breaking that (as you can also see in the photo below), and he finally landed on the street.
Many neighbours witnessed the event. Martín’s mother-in-law, Elena, heard the electrical shock and heard Martín’s fall. She rushed out to see him motionless on the ground with a pool of blood forming around his head. This is what Rod Fry had to say about her account:
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She knelt down and cradled his head, and prayed, "Lord, give him life." Martín gasped for breath, then opened his one eye, and tried to get up.
The paramedics came and Martín actually resisted their help, not recognizing their voices, and not understanding what was happening to him. Elena encouraged him to be still. "They are just trying to help you," she said.
Elena’s reflection was simple. "I asked the Lord that Martín could have life and breath. And my prayer was answered."
By this time, not only were neighbours gathered and the ambulance present, but also three police cars and a crew from the local TV station. Rod also came, expecting the worst. But amazingly, although he didn’t remember the accident, Martín was awake and talking.
Martín was taken to the hospital, then transferred to another. Friends and family were quickly there, and he remained conscious, responding to the doctor’s questions. He was in a lot of pain.
From what I can tell from my friends in Mexico, he had gashes and fractures in his head, internal burns on the right side of his body, there was swelling on his brain, he had a blood clot, and his eyes were bruised.
Meanwhile, thanks to modern communication and the many people who love Martín, news travelled across borders and people were praying in Mexico, the USA, Canada, Guatemala, Spain, and probably beyond.
Though Martín was obviously still in danger, already some amazing things had happened.
First, he had survived. The electrocution could easily have killed him. For example, if it had been on his left side, it could have stopped his heart. If the electricity hadn’t exited his body, he would have been killed. The fall easily could have killed him. But God had mercy.
The ambulance also came quickly – something that doesn’t always happen in Mexico. The family still doesn’t know who called for it.
Saturday August 27th
Martín’s wife Laura was with him that night. In the morning, she wrote this on Facebook (my rough translation):
I’m at home taking some time with my children and a little rest. I thank the Lord for the great family that God he has given to us, the Mendez family. I’m so grateful to God because He has freed my hubby from death, and although it was a long night, God gave, gives, and continues to give me strength to go forward. GLORY TO GOD who has freed Martín from death. I LOVE YOU LORD.
Martín was progressing well already. He was able to see out of one eye, and was able to talk. But the tests continued, and we continued in prayer.
That morning, he asked Laura to read him Psalms 18 and 34.
I love you, O LORD, my strength.
The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer,
my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge,
my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
I call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised,
and I am saved from my enemies.
The cords of death encompassed me;
the torrents of destruction assailed me;
the cords of Sheol entangled me;
the snares of death confronted me.
In my distress I called upon the LORD;
to my God I cried for help.
From his temple he heard my voice,
and my cry to him reached his ears.
Sunday August 28th
By Sunday evening, Martín had improved a lot. He could see out of both eyes. The swelling on his head had mostly gone down. He was talking and joking with visitors.
Amazingly, as the medical costs rose, people started to give to help with the expenses. A large portion has already been committed to help the family with this.
The latest
![]() Martín June 2011 |
Doctors continue to watch Martín. They are concerned about his right foot, and are considering whether or not some of his toes will need to be amputated. Please pray about this, and the many other decisions the doctors may need to make as Martín continues to recover.
It has been incredible how people have prayed for, given to, and encouraged the Mendez family, from within Mexico and without. Martín has been a blessing to so many of us. So not only did God have mercy on Martín, He had mercy on us. We’re so thankful to have Martín with his church, family, and friends, for a while longer.
I’ll be on holidays for a bit, so I won’t be able to give you further updates for a couple of weeks. Be sure to check Rod’s blog for more in future days, I have no doubt he’ll post some updates.
Thanks again to those who have supported the family. And please, continue to pray and praise the Lord with us!
House pictures courtesy of Rod Fry