Tour in August – things I’m noticing
Hi everyone!
I’ve been wanting to give you all an update on our tour for a long time, but things have been pretty hectic, so it’s hard to find the time to write. But here I am! 🙂
Let me start by mentioning a few things I’ve noticed:
- People’s kindness. I am awed and humbled by people’s hospitality and kindness. You know, we visit people for the first time in years, we may be tired, we may have a lot of things on our mind – we may even be dealing with van trouble. 🙂 But people are so kind, so hospitable, there’s no way we can ever thank them enough. Travelling is hard, but the kindness of friends and family has been unbelievable. I’m humbled by their service to the Lord, and to us. They are teaching me a lot, and I pray that I can show just a hint of the unselfishness that they have shown to us. Our friends and family, and even people we’ve just met, have been an example to us. Thank you! I pray we can give something small back to you all.
- Canadian culture. It’s different than Mexican culture. And after five years in Mexico, sometimes we don’t know how to act here anymore. Of course, we were kind of strange to begin with… 😉
- Relationships. Surprise surprise, when you’re in another country it’s hard to maintain relationships with people here. And the longer you’re gone … well, you get the idea. But I hope people know how much we care about them, even though we’re absent. We’re glad we can catch up a little, and know better how to pray for our family and friends.
Canadians and winter. Sometimes it seems that there are only two types of weather in Canada when it’s not winter. 1) Winter is just past. 2) Winter is coming.
So we’ve enjoyed a couple of Sundays this month, and have a couple more to go. We’ve been able to share from God’s Word, and share about Mexico. I had fun in Prince Albert teaching a Sunday School class on the Gospels. This coming Sunday, in the afternoon, Shari will be presenting her Children’s Ministry Seminar, so we’re getting ready for that.
We’ve had fun catching up with people, and meeting new friends as well.
Yes, we had some more van trouble. Maybe I’ll talk about that in another post. It’s in the shop now.
Today (if the van gets fixed in time) we’ll be heading up to west central Saskatchewan and getting ready for the Sunday service in Provost, Alberta. Don’t miss our tour schedule, which continues to be updated. Notice we still have some time free if your church or small group or Sunday school class (etc) is interested in having us come. Here are some of the things we’ve offered to help with, but we’re open to other ideas.
But for now – I need to get these kids some breakfast. Bye for now! 🙂