Tomorrow morning we’re supposed to meet at David’s house at 7am, and then drive to the water park where the baptisms will take place.
There’s quite a crowd expected – I hope we have room for everyone! I also hope everyone wakes up in time! 🙂
Seriously, though – please pray for those who are planning to be baptized tomorrow, that they would have the courage to follow through. And praise the Lord for each heart that He’s changing.
I was listening to testimonies last Sunday after our morning service, as those who are being baptized prepared for what they were going to say.
After hearing one testimony, I wanted to make sure that people weren’t claiming that you could become a Christian and all your life’s problems would melt away. So I said,"So, after you put your faith in Christ, life is easy – right?"
Yes. (several voices said)
No! (several voices said, as they realized what I was saying)
Well, actually….
Then something amazing happened.
People began to share around the circle.
"Actually, now that I know Christ I can sleep at night. I’m not living in guilt."
"Actually, now that I know the Lord I wake up without fear of what’s going to happen that day."
"Now I have somewhere to go when I’m in trouble."
As the apostle Paul said, through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God (Acts 14:22). But on the other hand, look at the Friend we have with us. His yoke is easy and His burden is light (Matthew 11:30).
Looking forward to tomorrow.