This was on a gift to Hannah from one of her friends at school…

Hannah: thank you for sharing your friendship. Regina
This was on a gift to Hannah from one of her friends at school…
I don’t want to write here about every runny nose in the house, but I know many of you were praying for Nathanael and would like an update. Nathanael was still not really himself this morning, but his fever was gone and he seemed quite a bit better. So we did take him to school – actually, walked him to school, since the van is still in the shop. The walk was such a novelty he was thrilled, and enjoyed seeing the "street cows" crossing the road in front of us. 😉
But… as you may guess from the subject of this post, we have another kid home today. Hannah was down with a fever and headache last night, and is now lying on the couch taking her turn. She’s not feeling too bad now, but is pretty lethargic.
We had quite an interesting week planned, and it already has changed drastically. Two of us were very sorry to miss the special party on Sunday (as I mentioned in the last post). Today we were going to have some special friends over to do some Mexican cooking, but they have a little daughter and we’ll probably need to cancel in order keep her healthy (it will be up to her parents – she was already sick probably with the same thing, so they may yet risk it).
Tomorrow we had some other kids coming over to play, and I was getting together with some friends for a Bible study Thursday, and … well, we’ll just have to take it one day at a time. A Mexican lady today told me "All the world is sick" – so I guess it’s going around! 😥
I have a feeling some of you have been praying, because we had a great answer to prayer last week. We were able to make an appointment with a new doctor for Nathanael. Actually, this doctor was recommended to us by two other doctors, and we were able to get an appointment on Saturday. She had already been briefed on Nathanael by his previous doctor, so that helped a lot.
The long-awaited appointment was on Saturday. But Friday night we found Nathanael tossing and turning in bed with a fever.
Boy, this guy has had his problems lately!
As for me, I had a major migraine attack at the same time. None of us got that a lot of sleep that night, though, as we tried to help Nathanael.
The next morning I was still sick, and Nathanael said his stomach was bothering him. I had been planning to go to the doctor on Saturday (for something else), but it was starting to look like we were both going to be too sick to go! With Nathanael’s doctor all the way across town (and we didn’t know exactly), we weren’t sure how he’d do in the van.
At least we were going to the right place – we decided to risk it. We drove around in circles for a while across town, and finally Shari ran in to a large building and was told the doctor’s office was there. We parked, and I carried Nathanael to the building, and one level up the very cool spiral staircase. Then we waited on the comfy leather couches in the doctor’s office. Nathanael looked awful (I probably did too!).
When the receptionist came in, we found out we were in the wrong office. In the wrong building (it was a doctor with a similar name).
Down the very cool spiral staircase, out of the building and across the street we went, wandering around looking for the office.
Finally we found it, and rang (it was closed and locked). At last, the right doctor let us in, and saw Nathanael.
It was a good visit (even though poor Nathanael was falling asleep) and she gave us some suggestions for his fever (sounds like it was probably a cold bug).
He and I both improved as Saturday wore on (though I haven’t made it to the doctor yet myself). We decided not to take him to church the next day, so I stayed home with him. It was a good thing – he spent a lot of the morning sleeping off and on, and wasn’t feeling great. A slight fever even came back (it was a shame because it was our church’s 5th anniversary party. But don’t worry, Hannah and Shari brought home some cake.).
Sunday night, once again the fever returned (though never as bad as the first 24 hours), and he had trouble sleeping. That was last night, so we let him sleep in this morning – he’ll take today off school and hopefully will be well enough to get back into a normal schedule tomorrow.
We’re "playing it by ear" at the moment. Shari is at the school for a meeting. I was supposed to be taking our van in for repairs – hopefully I still will, but right now I need to give Nathanael some breakfast.
So that’s what our weekend was like. Never what we expect! 🙂
I was on my way down our hill to do some errands. I decided to stop at the window and mirror shop on my way down.
The shop was dark and dirty, with pinups and pictures of saints on the walls. Two guys came out to look at the remains of my driver-side mirror. (I had gracefully smashed it on a lamp post in front of a very appreciative audience at a local café) One of them began picking the pieces of broken mirror off, while the other measured and cut a new mirror to glue in its place. They were done in a very few minutes, and told me it would cost MX$50 (about $4.65 in Canadian or US dollars).
Now being on my way down the hill, I had a limited amount of money and change. I had a MX$200 bill, and handed it to him, but I could see he was about to travel up and down the street searching for change for me. "Just a minute," I said quickly, and I began raiding my pockets and van for change. I found $49.50, and offered it to him apologetically. He laughed – "50 cents!" he said, and that was that. Then I headed on the rest of my errands.
Suddenly I realized what a precarious position I was in.
I had no change.
You have to understand, in Mexico, you must have coins on you at all time. Even in the house I always have coins on me. After all, I might need to tip the garbage man. If I’m out and about, I need to give tips to the man at the gas station, the kid who bags my groceries, the guy who helps me back out of the parking space.
There’s a joke here in Mexico – What’s the difference between a Canadian and a canoe? Answer: A canoe tips!
Well, I don’t want to be part of the joke. I may be more careful with my money than your average American (US), but really, I do tip.
I needed gas, that was all there was to it. As the attendant filled my tank, beads of sweat began forming on my forehead. How was I going to tip him? Suddenly, I looked at the numbers on the gas tank and called out – "That’s enough! Thanks!"
Phew – MX$395. I gave him MX$400 and told him to keep the change. Not a tip he’d tell his family about that night, but at least it was something.
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I went to the bank machine next to withdraw some money (we do almost everything with cash here), but of course that didn’t solve my change problem. But finally, after paying my water bill at the water place I got a bit of change. When I got my groceries bagged at MEGA, I was actually able to casually give the "bagger" a normal tip.
Please, don’t ever let me get caught without an ample supply of coins again. Next time I’ll wait for the mirror-guy to canvas the street for change. I’m not in that much of a hurry. This is Mexico.
A podcast (audioblog) about Sunday morning, pilgrims to Chalma, and (re)finding a doctor…