Casa Cheshier
Today was our last full day in Mexico…for now. It was actually a very interesting day. The Cheshiers are a family of 5 that have just moved down here for language school. We’ve had the pleasure of going around Cuernavaca with them, and with our hosts the Casteels.
The Cheshiers have had a house that they’ve been looking at, and the contracts were
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almost signed, and the house was almost ready for them to move into, but things were dragging. First they thought it would be Tuesday, then they were told probably Wednesday, and they were pretty sure that it would be Thursday. But just a few minutes ago the good news arrived – they’re moving into their new place tomorrow at 11am tomorrow morning! It’s been great to see God working in the lives of a family that is just a bit ahead of us in the journey.
To the left is a little picture of some of the hummingbirds that visit the “Villa Castilla” where we’ve been visiting. They were just buzzing around there like honeybees around a hive. How many can you see in the picture?
It’s been a fun place to stay, and the Casteels have been a tremendous help as we’ve worked on our strategy for our move to Cuernavaca.
Tomorrow we’ll get on the bus and head out back to Mexico City. Lord willing we’ll arrive at the airport late morning, and we’ll fly to Dallas in the afternoon. In Dallas we’re going to get together with Phil O’Day from CAM Center. Then we’ll get back on a plane and head to Calgary, Canada. Our kids will (hopefully) be in bed, so we’ll head there too and see them in the morning. And then….well, we’ll get back to you about that.
And the news for the night is…Cajeta ice cream is fabuloso. Yet another reason to move to Mexico. That’s the cafe in the photo below. Don’t worry, that’s rain, not snow. 😎