One of the books mentioned this past weekend at the "Where did the Bible Come From?" seminar is on sale today – "Ca…
For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers…
"A Long-Term Plan to Know Your Bible" Some helpful ideas in this article. I don't know all the books he mentions, b…
So we finished one of our busiest weekends of our time in Canada. We’re thankful for what the Lord has done, and thankful that my voice held out!
The Where did the Bible Come From? seminar went well (from my perspective) with about 30 people. We had some great conversations about Bible versions, the canon, how God preserved His Word – good times. It would be great to give the seminar again while we’re here – so let us know if you’re interested!
Then on Sunday we zipped around to three services, and I preached twice and shared thrice. That was at South Calgary Chinese Evangelical Free Church. An encouraging time, although it would have been nice to have more time with people. Maybe we’ll be able to stop by again.
I was very thankful for my brave translators, who did a great job!
But for now we’re heading to Saskatchewan for a while.
Anyway, where was I? Ah yes. Meanwhile, in Mexico, the Mount Calvary Team had a great time of ministry, from what I heard! Check out a report at Rod’s blog – Mount Calvary June 2018
Continue to pray for Mexico as the national election draws near – less than two weeks now.
We were stopping by my nephew Jevon’s school to see a (very cool) project that he had been working on. We were walking through the halls when another student asked Jevon if we were all his family. Hearing an affirmative, she swore in amazement.
Seriously, girl? In Mexico, we bring more family members just to go grocery shopping.
Well, we’re obviously not in Mexico anymore.
So just a week in, we’re still adjusting to life here. The way our schedule here works, the very beginning and very end of the trip are probably the busiest, so we’ve hit the ground running. Or, I should say, sprinting.
We very much enjoyed our time at First Evangelical Free Church, and then at Prairie Tabernacle, meeting a few new friends and reconnecting with old friends. We’ve also had business to take care of, sometimes expected and sometimes unexpected.
We had a tour of Hannah’s new school and dorm this week, which was pretty cool.
We’re gearing up now for the Where did the Bible Come From? seminar on Friday and Saturday. By the way, there is still time to register (until 7pm tonight) if you’re in the area! We really want to fill it up, and there’s still space left. Just click the link above. Invite your friends!
On Sunday we’ll be at the South Calgary Chinese Evangelical Free Church, before ending our first very quick visit to Calgary. We’ll be back later in the summer.
Kindle deal worth checking out today: "The Other Worldview: Exposing Christianity's Greatest Threat" by Dr. Peter J…
For those of you in the Calgary area, I want to make sure you know where we’ll be and when this month. Plus, you can click the graphics below for a larger version to share on social media or in an email if you’d like.
☞ First of all, we’re hoping that as many of you as possible can come to the Where did the Bible Come From? seminar. We really want to pack this seminar full because I think it will be very useful to you, both personally and as you share with others. It’s a very interactive and practical seminar.
So please come and invite your family and friends!
You do need to register ahead of time (but it is 100% free!). The link is on the graphic, but I’ll include a live link here. You have to register for both days separately, which are the evening of Friday the 15th and Saturday the 16th morning/early afternoon. Here you go: Register for Where did the Bible Come from?
Don’t miss it – and be sure to share the graphic!
Also, we’ll be giving a Mexico Report and in some cases preaching on the 10th and 17th:
At SCCEFC I’m sharing in all three services, but only preaching in the Cantonese and Mandarin services.
Finally, if you’re in the Three Hills area you can come for a Mexico Report, and a time of prayer:
For a complete schedule, updated as I have information, go here. Hope to see you soon!