For we are not, like so many, peddlers of God's word, but as men of sincerity, as commissioned by God, in the sight…
Looking forward to sharing a report on Mexico ministry, and sharing from God's Word at Mirror Alliance on Sunday! C…
We’ve enjoyed some time with family and friends lately, and a Sunday off (we enjoyed worshipping at Kimberley Baptist Church, but we weren’t on stage at all!). 🙂
We enjoyed some time in Kimberley, BC with Shari’s brother and his family, Shari’s sister and her daughter, and Shari’s parents – the main purpose being to celebrate Shari’s parents’ 50th Anniversary!
So an extra congrats to them. 🎉 Wingers in front of The Old Bauernhaus Restaurant, celebrating their 50th!
It was great to spend time with the family, which is spread out between two continents and three countries normally!
Now we’re back in Alberta, and the schedule is picking up again. On Sunday we’ll serving at Mirror Alliance Church, and then on to Glendon and then on back to Saskatchewan for lots more! Remember, you can check out our full schedule here. We hope to see as many of you who are in the area as possible!
Oh, I forgot to mention. We had fun on Tuesday at the Calgary Stampede! The “greatest outdoor show on earth” is certainly a part of Hannah and Nathanael’s heritage. 🤠Another 102,204 people joined our family at Stampede on Tuesday, meaning well over 1/2 a million people so far – and Stampede isn’t over yet!
We do appreciate your prayers as things will be especially busy over the next three weeks. Let’s do it!
But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance o…
Who knew? "Soccer-baseball or kickball? Cottage or cabin? Try our Canadian dialect quiz to see where you fit" Havi…
We’re keeping busy here in Canada, and enjoying Canada Day Month (I just made that up, but that’s ok)!
We’ve been enjoying some time with family and friends along with continuing ministry. We enjoyed some time with friends in Caronport, doing such very patriotic things as visiting the Canadian Forces base in Moose Jaw, a key base for the Royal Canadian Air Force. We had an excellent tour. (You know you’re in Canada when the military personnel passing you in the hallway apologize.)
On the 1st I taught a Sunday School class in Caronport on the modern era of missions history, which was fun. It’s been a while since I taught it, and I learned a few more things about history and the current state of world missions this time around. I look forward to learning more as I repeat the seminar again later this month.
Now we’re celebrating my in-laws 50th anniversary by spending some time together as a family in BC.
During this time the Mexico election happened, which many of you have been hearing about on the news. As you have probably noticed, there’s a lot of speculation – news that isn’t really news – and so we will wait to see what happens. But we are thankful that the Lord is the sovereign King of all nations.
That’s right! Ten years ago tomorrow, Nate and Amy got married! (For the uninitiated, Amy is Shari’s sister). Congratulations!
So this would be their “tin” anniversary. Tin protects and preserves other metals, so I believe it represents the continued preservation of a precious marriage.
Anyway, here they are the day before the wedding – ten years ago today!
Just stopping by to reflect on the last 90 days. Here are the posts that have been most popular here at Finding direction, from oldest to newest, with the two most popular in bold…