Mostly about April travels
This past Saturday we went to Puebla. Puebla is a huge city, very unlike either Cuernavaca or Mexico City. For one thing, they have a lot of very wide streets. That sounds great, except that the streets usually have no visible lanes (unless you squint), which means that the actual number of lanes will vary from lots of very skinny ones to… well, one car swerving all over the place.
We had a long-overdue visit with some Canadian friends of ours, the Chapples. Somehow it’s nice to stay in a house where there’s a toy snowmobile lying around. (Note: sometimes I explain people’s nationality by their passport, sometimes by where they grew up, sometimes where they live … often those are all different things! And probably are in this case.)
The Chapples were very hospitable and we heard a little about what’s going on in Puebla, and the work they’ve been involved in in various parts of Mexico (Bible training is a big part of that right now). We also got to know their kids, who are bigger than they were (actually, the youngest one was completely new to us!).
On Sunday morning we had an interesting experience attending an "International Church" – in this case, the service was in English and Spanish. It’s strange hearing a sermon in English, but it was translated so we caught most of it. 😉 Actually, the pastor was from southern Ontario.
Then we went and hung out with Americans, Mexicans, Costa Ricans, and so on, at the farewell party for our field director and his wife, Jim and Cheryl Eberline. Jim and Cheryl have been such an encouragement and help in the little time we’ve known them – they will be missed (and after the party they know it for sure)! They’re heading to Uruguay in a few months’ time.
We cam home yesterday.
Tomorrow, I’m going to be going to Ixtapaluca (one of two possible places we may be moving to, the other being Texcoco) to hang out with the Fry family to see what’s going on there. We’ll be working with the Frys if we’re in that area. Lord willing we’ll be able to get our families together again soon, and soon after we’ll be deciding where we’re moving to. It’s always great to see the Frys!
On Saturday we’re going into Mexico City to see our friends Antoñio and Becky, and their daughter. We might even sing at their worship service on Sunday. (The new song? Mmmmm… let’s not rush that one!) We don’t get together with their family enough, but we’re students and he’s a pastor… not exactly multitudes of free time.
There are lots of other non-travel related things going on. I haven’t told you about the costumes we’re supposed to come up with for Hannah and Nathanael’s school for Mother’s Day (May 10)… that is a good part time job in itself. And the school explained the last detail of what they’re supposed to wear – all we have to do is actually make the costumes (or have someone make them?)!
That’s just a glimpse into what’s going on this month. The main thing is – we keep studying, and talking, and listening, and reading, and writing, and hoping that soon our Spanish will be good enough for the school and our leaders so that we can actually get ready to move. How do you say move in Spanish again?