Return to La Iglesia BÃblica de Tlalpan
I’m not exactly sure why it took us so long, but this past Sunday we went to la Iglesia Bíblica de Tlalpan (Tlalpan Bible Church) in Mexico City.
Actually, we sang a duet in the church. It was pretty strange being introduced as people who had served in the church 15 years ago. Yes, it was almost exactly 14 years ago that we last attended the church. You can read what I wrote about a month later here. It was April 1994 when our music and drama team did a special musical for Holy Week in the church. We were ending a 5 month visit to Mexico, and Tlalpan was our home church.
There aren’t too many people in the church that were there 14 years ago – a handful. That may be a good thing, because we sang one of the same songs we used then (not stuck in a rut, are we?).
Anyway, with my excellent memory there was very little I remembered about the church, neighbourhood, and what we did there. However, we enjoyed meeting some of the new people in the church. And we enjoyed a visit with our friends Antoñio and Becky Muñoz, and their cool daughter Jessica.
Antoñio and Becky were both single back in 1994 – Antoñio served in music worship at the church, and Becky was a missionary. Now they are married and Antoñio is the pastor – and they’re both still involved in music, as they should be.
We also spent some time with a family with CAM, Brock and Heather Hower. It was good to get to know them slightly better (there wasn’t much time!).
For all I’ve forgotten, I did remember the inside of the church, and it was surreal being back. And, of course, I can never forget the kindness of the people who were there then. We had a great (too short) visit with old and new friends – I hope we can visit again soon!
A street in Tlalpan (south Mexico City)
Photo courtesy of Gato Azul