We met Alex and Liz.
Do you recognize this family? If you’re from the First Evangelical Free Church in Calgary, you just might. They visited the church about a year ago. Last week, they were at our church service here in Mexico. How cool is that?
Alex and Liz are a Mexican couple from Mexico City. They are preparing to go to the field with the Latin American mission agency FAM (Mexico’s branch). They came to share a little about the people they would be working with and what they’re looking forward to about serving on the other side of the planet.
It was great to finally meet them! They actually studied for a year in Canada (BC) but we never had the chance to connect while they were there. They’re a great family – I wish we had had more time.
I admit, there’s one thing I just don’t like about Alex and Liz. I don’t like the fact that there aren’t more families like them. There should be, and by God’s grace there will be.
I know that this family would appreciate your prayers as they prepare, raise funds, and look forward to their ministry. They face incredible challenges – they need prayer! Please also pray that God would continue to raise godly individuals and families and teams that can bring the Gospel to the world.
My famous blog.
Yes, I have finally achieved fame. I can retire, content. I have a famous website.
No, not this website. Missionary-Blogs.com was mentioned in the October 2007 issue of Evangelical Missions Quarterly (EMQ). The article was An Introduction to Blogging on the Internet, by A. Scott Moreau (editor of EMQ) and Mike O’Rear (President of Global Mapping International).
Actually, it was only a passing reference under the heading of Finding a Blog, but I’ll take what I can get. 🙂
Missionary-Blogs.com is getting close to having 500 active missionary blogs. As far as I know, there’s nothing else quite like it on the internet. However, they actually mentioned the site’s blog, and didn’t say anything about the lists of blogs. I guess I need to make the lists a little more obvious!
But actually, that wasn’t the coolest thing about this article. At the very end, they mentioned a very few missions-related blogs (9, to be exact). In that list, they mentioned just three personal missionary blogs (plus one more that was mentioned in the text of the article). And the grand finale was – the blog of Shari’s sister, Amy – Under the African Rain! How cool! Here’s what they had to say about it:
This is the story of a young woman beginning her international missions career with SIM. As men who have been working in and around missions for decades, we enjoy the fresh perspective.
So, I have a very famous sister-in-law. And, after all, her blog is excellent! Congrats, Amy!
Helping missionaries (in unique ways)
We have returned from the conference in Fortin de las Flores. There’s one thing I was thinking of commenting on last year, but I don’t think I did. At conference I have been amazed at the many unique ways that people help those who are working cross culturally. Here are some of the ways people have helped through the yearly conference…
- A free Christmas CD from your church music group – we got one from Irving Bible Church last year; a nice encouragement for the Christmas season
- For years a group came down just to do repairs on missionaries’ cars (not anymore)
- This year a professional calligrapher made tiny books with encouraging verses for everyone.
- Some people came to the conference to care for children and youth and teach them from the Word. Many of these people also brought their families, to expose them to Mexico, and introduce them to those who have experience serving here.
- Every year a doctor comes, volunteering his time to help those with medical needs (yep, we talked to him!)
- Somebody donated some little door prizes (like trail mix, screwdrivers, candles…). They were used as incentives to get people to the sessions on time (this is Mexico, after all)
- Every year someone gives their time to speak at the sessions, sharing insight from God’s Word (this year Dr. Roger Peugh, co-author of Transformed In His Presence: The Need For Prayer In Counseling)
- A couple who were psychiatric nurses (hmmm… I think I have that profession right!) came to do some sessions on emotional health, how medications impact emotions, etc.
- A group came to lead in songs of worship
- Every year there’s a table of "giveaways". Many of these are from other missionaries. There are books, recordings, magazines – even clothes, medicine and other odds and ends. One person who came to the conference found his specific heart medication. We found some music for the kids.
- This year Ediciones Las Américas had Spanish materials for sale at a discount
- We all got a Christmas tree ornament
And that’s not all! It’s amazing how many people were really involved in this conference. Some of these things are small, and some big. Some involved coming down, some involved sending a little gift. But these things are a real encouragement, even if it just lets people know that they’re being thought of.
I’m not mentioning this so that YOU can do more for US at conference next year – though you’re welcome! We were abundantly blessed. But whoever you want to encourage, there are many many ways to be involved. If you have an idea, contact a missionary you know, and have a talk!
I believe this is Orizaba,
the third highest mountain in North America,
as seen from our hotel.
You search, they donate
Providing clean water – one way CAM is serving in Central America |
Here’s something you might not have known. If you search the internet, you can make a donation to support ministry in the Spanish speaking world at the same time – without actually spending any money!
The search engine is called GoodSearch, and it’s powered by the popular Yahoo! search engine. When you go to their main page, you can type in CAM International (you know you want to) as your preferred charity. Then, every time you search they will donate a small amount of money to the organization.
Better yet, you can add a search toolbar to Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari. (One note of caution – sometimes your preference can get wiped out – it doesn’t hurt to return to the website once in a while to make sure your charity is still selected)
But there’s more (I just discovered)… you can also donate by shopping at one of the many online merchants that are represented here. Places like eBay, Target, iTunes, Barnes & Noble and 1-800-flowers.com. Oops – sometimes I shop at these places… I wish I’d known this before!
Of course, if you’re buying from amazon.com you can support us directly by clicking the link. 🙂 The Cottrill family will get a percentage of whatever you buy.
With Christmas just around the corner, this is something to keep in mind if you’ll be doing any shopping online.
If you want to get an idea of the kinds of ministries you’ll be helping with your searches, check out CAM’s Christmas catalogue. Spread the word, and get your friends searching too! A lot of people doing a little searching can make a big difference.
David Brainerd – free audio book
Do you know the name David Brainerd? Some of you who have taken my 2000 Years of Missions Seminar might have heard his name, although he wasn’t one of the main characters we discussed.
David Brainerd was a missionary in what is now New Jersey, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania, USA. He served native peoples in the 1740s, at a time when they were looked down on, used and even slaughtered. He died at the age of 29 of tuberculosis, and didn’t live to see a lot of lives changed. The work was continued by his brother John, and his ministry did have a lasting impact.
But his journals probably had an even greater impact than his actual ministry. He wrote a very personal diary, never intending it to be published. It’s brutally honest, as Brainerd dealt with loneliness, depression, and his ongoing illness. And yet his passion to serve the Lord and find strength in Him shone through.
His journals were published by American theologian (and later himself a missionary to native Americans) Jonathan Edwards, who knew Brainerd personally. Those journals were read years later by English pastor and schoolmaster William Carey, who became convinced that believers should share the truth of God’s Word with people around the world.
Carey attacked the prevailing belief that people should do nothing to reach others with the Gospel, and launched the modern age of missions.
Since then, countless Christians have found they can relate to Brainerd’s struggles, and have been inspired and motivated by his journals. This young missionary continues to impact the world, 260 years after his death (he died on this day in 1747).
Oh, but you came here looking for something FREE, didn’t you? Well, christianaudio.com is giving away the audio book The Life of David Brainerd, unabridged. This is the book by Jonathan Edwards that includes Brainerd’s journals. This is ordinarily a $25.98 download. It’s a total of 9 hours and 15 minutes.
* To get the book for free, enter the code OCT2007. This giveaway is only available until the end of October 2007.
If you prefer something you can hold in your hand, for a few dollars you can get the paperback version – The Life And Diary of David Brainerd.