Is Being a Missionary an Extreme Sport?
Actually, this post is a prayer request. Here’s the short story – please pray especially for our missionary associates here in Mexico and for us.
Now before we get into the medium-sized version of the story, you’ll be relieved to hear that we’re all (to my knowledge) safe and no one is deathly ill, or anything along those lines.
However, the last month, and even the last few days, has been quite the collection of misadventures that not only tend to discourage, but also suck the time, money, and energy right out.
Of course you remember our van trouble in July. On the 22nd we finally completed some repairs and started heading south. But four days later Julian and Malu, who were in Mexico already (serving north of Mexico City for a couple of months) had transmission problems. That was a time consuming and money consuming problem for them.
Well, we finished our most recent repair on the 28th of July, and on the same day, our co-workers the Topps were heading north and their engine blew. They spent the next two days getting their vehicle fixed.
In other vehicle news, Julian and Malu were planning to come to Ixtapaluca today – they were on their way – and … well, looks like it’s the transmission again. So I don’t think they’ll make it here quite yet.
That’s just our team – I didn’t mention to Prusias, other co-workers with Camino, who were stuck at the border toward the end of July while they waited for the right part for their vehicle.
But I’ll try to stick to our team for the moment. That’s only vehicle issues. There have been lots of other things going on. For example, Tina had to unexpectedly move only days before she left for a few weeks, because – well, let’s just say her neighbour was “misbehaving”. And if you’re thinking she should have just put up with it a few days more – well, don’t think that. It was necessary that she move.
And then today she missed her flight, was switched to another, and had the second one cancelled. Thankfully she’s on her way now. She is. Not sure where her luggage is going to end up.
Well, that’s only a sampling of the last few weeks. I could go on and on, but you wouldn’t read it, and if you did you probably should be doing something else.
So here are some brief requests if you want to pray specifically:
- Pray for Tina: She’s touring around in the USA sharing about Mexico and raising support to complete her transition from “mid-term” missionary to “full-time” missionary.
- Pray for Julian and Malu: That they would be on their way again soon with a reliable vehicle.
- Pray for Chalo and Beth: I didn’t mention them above, but they are other team members of ours leaving today for a home assignment. Please pray for safe travels, and health and energy.
- Pray for Emily: She just arrived on Saturday, and has been caught up in the tempestuous times in which we live! Please pray for her patience and wisdom in the transitions that she is experiencing.
- For us! We have 1000 things on our mind, including visa paperwork that we’re trying to complete at the moment. We’re also getting everything ready for the kids’ new school year, and preparing for up-coming ministry.
- And don’t forget our other co-workers … Jessica in Ixtapaluca, Mark and Angelica in Pachuca, and the Fry family, currently in the USA.
Of course all of the above comes with a large financial cost. So everyone above would appreciate your prayers for God’s provision.
If you’d like to help our family financially, you can give here.

Out to lunch at Espartacos with Tina, Jessica, and Emily