Visas – Another step forward (podcast)
I was able to make some progress on our visas today! For more details, listen to the podcast. 🙂
(Can’t see it? Click here and scroll down a bit.)
I was able to make some progress on our visas today! For more details, listen to the podcast. 🙂
(Can’t see it? Click here and scroll down a bit.)
I know that many of you are interested in what’s happening with our visas. Or maybe morbidly curious, like someone watching a train wreck. 😉
The last thing I reported was that I obtained the document that I needed from the Mexican Consulate in Calgary.
Upon my return to Mexico, I got another document I needed (although they made me fill it out twice because I made a mistake. Give me a break – it was 1:30am!).
Last week, I was given another document to fill out, and two more to check over. I had to check with our lawyer about some information on the new document, and I heard back from her today. So I’m still in the process of getting the new document done.
We’ve also had to check on vehicle paperwork, which is connected to our visas.
Everything now has a countdown – my visa will need to be done first, but we also have a limited time to get paperwork done for the vehicle and for everyone else in the family.
So – thanks to all those who are praying! We’ve come a long way since I was in Canada, but we still have a long way to go.
At 2am this morning I got back home from Canada. It was a bit of a short night.
The trip went well overall, but – no offence to anyone – I’m really ready to NOT travel for a LONG time. But – no one knows what the future holds (except God, and He is wise and good)! 🙂
That being said, it was good to reconnect with a few people. I actually wasn’t able to see too many. I invited as many people as I could to the events I was at, but I understand that people are busy. But I was able to see at least a few people that we weren’t able to see last time we were in Calgary (in other words, we haven’t seen them for years!).
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I enjoyed a time of worship and fellowship on Sunday with friends at Cremona Country Fellowship.
You’ll see in the picture that I saw some weird things – like this cold white stuff on the windshield of the car! But I only saw it a couple of times – it was actually pretty warm while I was there, getting up to 8 or 10 Celsius most days.
I was pretty much the last person in the airport as I went through customs in Mexico City. They handed out the forms late in the flight, so I filled them out after we landed. Unfortunately I filled out one box I wasn’t supposed to fill out, and so had to re-do a form (and the poor lady just wanted to go home!). But I got the forms and stamps that I needed on my documents, in order to go on to the next step in the great visa adventure.
Then they searched my luggage – but at least this time it all arrived at the same time! 😉
To be honest, I’m not feeling at all well – but hopefully I can get some sleep and recover over the next few days. It is a busy week, though – so sometimes getting rest takes some discipline! 🙂
Thanks for all your prayers, particularly regarding our visas, but also your prayers for my travels and also for our ministry in Mexico. We appreciate it more than you know!
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After three visits to the Mexican Consulate this week, I have finished what I came to Calgary to do! I have the document I need to bring back to Mexico so that I can ask for the visa that I want to get there!
And if you found that confusing, maybe I should leave it at that and not try to explain any more.
Anyway, the people at the consulate were very nice and I’m glad to finally have some good news to report. 🙂
I have a few more errands to do tomorrow, then I’m looking forward to a prayer meeting on Saturday and I’m very excited to be preaching on Sunday. If you’re in the Calgary area, I would love to see you on Sunday – I’ll be at Cremona Country Fellowship.
And thanks to so many who were praying that our visa-goal for the week would be reached! Another step in the right direction! Praise the Lord!
It was a beautiful day yesterday as I flew to Calgary. Flying out we had this wonderful view of our two favourite volcanoes, Ixta and Popo.
I’m in Calgary to apply for a visa for Mexico. If you want to hear the long story, listen to this podcast.
We would appreciate your prayers. The situation is as complex and confusing as ever. Phone calls and emails have been buzzing around between me, our lawyer, the consulate, and consular services in Mexico City. I’m not sure if this is clarifying things or not – but in a few days I should know if I’ve been able to successfully apply.
We don’t often do things the typical way, nor at the typical time. And usually that pays off – shorter lines, discounts…
Today, however, I went to pay our water bill for 2013. If you pay early enough in the year, you get a discount. In addition, this was the first day after the Christmas holidays.
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I went to the door where you usually go in to pay, and was sent to the back parking lot. They had set up a canopy, and about 150-200 chairs. They gave me a number, and I was directed to one of the chairs. There were about 100 people in front of me.
Every once in a while they led 20 or 30 people to the front, and we all wound our way through the chairs to find a new seat. Everyone was mildly amused.
In the end, they were very efficient. They must have gone through the line at a rate of about 30 seconds per person. Now we’ve paid for our water for 2013. Now, if only we can actually get a regular flow of water into the house…
People in line