Note to Donors (whom we appreciate!)
A reminder from our head office in Ontario, Canada! Yes, we are with

Yes, CAM International of Canada partners with Camino Global in the USA. And yes, CAM International of Canada is aiming to change its name.
But it’s still CAM International of Canada.
What does this mean?
It means that if you want to give financially to our ministry, and you’re writing a cheque to CAM International of Canada in $CA, you must make sure the name is right. If your cheque says “Camino Global”, CAM International of Canada can’t cash it! They’ll have to send your cheque back to you.
If you’re giving to Camino Global (in the US, in $US), then you can go ahead and make out a check to Camino Global. We appreciate US donations, and yes, you can donate to our account through the US office!
But for those who want to donate to our ministry through the Canadian office – please make sure your cheques (if you’re using cheques) say CAM International of Canada.
Note: Yes, the original plan was to change the name of CAM International of Canada this past spring. But the realities of paperwork and legal process have meant – a lot of complications! But don’t worry – we’ll keep you informed.
Meanwhile – thanks so much for your gifts that make this work possible! 😉