One side of the tank – the other side cracked too.
In the summer, the tank of the toilet on our bottom floor gave up the ghost. That is, it cracked. And water began to pour out.
So, our friend Pastor Ismael installed a new toilet for us.
This past Thursday, I started hearing the sound of water. Running water. Pouring water? Falling water??
Yes, the toilet tank on the second floor this time, decided it was time to explode. Water was rushing down the stairs, toward our furniture, equipment from the church, and other things that were in its way.
I rushed outside and turned off the water main, and started mopping.
The bathroom store.
Today, Ismael was so kind as to come over again – although I think at first he didn’t quite believe that this had happened to us yet again – something that he had never heard of happening to anyone.
But, we’re special.
Ismael installing the new toilet.
And we have two new toilets. The cheapest ones the store could sell us, but they’re new. And they work just fine.
But let’s just say that we’re thankful to the Lord that we were home, and awake, when this happened. We’ll be gone a lot this weekend. And it could have been an hour or two or more before enough water was pouring out of the house for the neighbours to have noticed!
But do pray that God will provide for these many unexpected expenses that we’re dealing with.
The funeral for Bob Cottrill was held on Friday the 6th of September, at 11am MDT, at the Lashburn Community Hall in Lashburn, SK, Canada (click link for address/map).
Below is the video of the service, in two parts. The audio should be greatly improved from the live feed.
If you would like to follow along, you can access the music program here. The funeral program is here. Thanks so much to Daryl Ferguson for recording the video. They can be watched full screen if you like.
In Memoriam…
In lieu of flowers, or if you would simply like to send a gift in memory of Robert, the family would like to suggest:
Maidstone Grace Community Church Box 448 Maidstone, SK S0M 1M0 or… Fair Havens Ministries Online donations:
Woman selling food by the highway, with a volcano erupting in the background.
This week we were going back and forth to the city of Puebla, a trip of about an hour and a half each way. The good part was that Hannah had a chance to hang out with several of her MK friends, who “just happened” to all be in Mexico at the same time! So that was pretty cool.
The not-so-fun part was dealing with some medical issues, but of course these things are necessary.
On the second day, we were stuck in traffic for a long time – making us late for a doctor’s appointment. It turned out to be an accident. After we got home, I found out there was another accident right at a toll booth we had just gone through – a truck lost its brakes and ran into a car carrying a family of 3. Thankfully, no one was hurt. But – it’s all a reminder of how God keeps us safe many times when we don’t even realize it.
We also took a trip with some friends to go and say “goodbye” to Tina Barham – a bittersweet visit, of course! Tina hasn’t lived in Ixtapaluca for a while now, but she has at least been in Mexico. But now she’s heading to the USA to take a new job recruiting new missionaries, at our mission’s office there (Avant Ministries). So we enjoyed our time with her, but we’ll miss having her in the country. 🙁
Overall, it’s been a rather tiring and difficult week. But I’m looking forward to our time of worship tomorrow! I even get to teach Sunday school, as we continue our study of the Ten Commandments.
So we’re almost two weeks into the two-missions-becoming-one thing, and the process is moving along, although it hasn’t been without its hiccups. However, we’ve been very appreciative of all the staff, especially in Canada (just because we’ve worked with them the most), who have been very helpful as we work out the details.
You might see that several things have been updated here at the website (I hope it’s working – I’m holding my breath). Mission specific information has been updated. And I think the general setup of the site has been improved, and should work much better on your mobile device. But if you see any problems, feel free to let us know. Oh, and check out the new photos in our gallery here.
Also, for everyone who gets our newsletter – you’re going to get one soon! It’s packed with things you need to know about – the latest news, information about this change, and more. And thanks to the whole family here for the work they put into getting it all ready for you! So watch your snail-mailbox for that – Lord willing most of you should see that in a couple of weeks. We’ll share some important things there that we won’t share here.
Anyway, ministry is continuing here, so I’d better get back to work. I’m looking forward to preaching tomorrow on Gideon and Barak, as we continue our trek through Hebrews. Talk to you later!
Today Camino Global officially unites with Avant Ministries, to create one mission with missionaries in 50+ countries. The work of both continues under the name Avant Ministries.
There’s a lot to talk about, but essentially our ministry will continue – making disciples and planting churches in one of the less reached areas of this hemisphere – central Mexico.
The main practical questions right now may be financial questions – but you can see all updated information on our donations page. If you currently receive our newsletter, we emailed you (if you didn’t get the email, let us know!), and will be sending you some snail mail, which you should receive in about three weeks.
But let me give you a little background and history – and since it’s Canada Day, I’ll focus on some early Canadian connections which you may find interesting.
Avant Early History
Henry Grattan Guinness
Some fascinating things were happening in the mid-1800s. For example, a new preaching evangelist appeared on the scene in Ireland, named Henry Grattan Guinness. Yes, it’s that family – the Guinness family – think beer (the founder of the Guinness empire was a committed Christian, but that’s another story!).
Guinness visited Canada in the late 1850s, and a Canadian in southern Ontario was converted under his ministry – Albert Benjamin Simpson. Bear with me – these threads will soon come together.
Guinness was a friend of James Hudson Taylor, and very passionate about missions (Guinness’ daughter later married Taylor’s son). Simpson, a teenager at his conversion, soon caught the passion as well, in the decades ahead organizing important missions ventures.
Fast-forward thirty years later. Two Canadian women in Costa Rica are praying that God would send missionaries – a prayer soon to be answered by the founding of the Central America Mission in 1890 and the sending of the first missionaries in 1891 (see Canadians, Coffee, and CAM). The C.A.M. would eventually become CAM International and then Camino Global.
Just before the founding of Camino, Guinness’ doctor suggested he go abroad for his health, bringing him back to the USA. In 1889 he inspired a group from the YMCA in Kansas to reach out with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Among them was YMCA secretary George S. Fisher.
Several YMCA members volunteered, and missionaries went out the following year to Africa, and others over the next few years. The early missionaries went out under the mission organization that Simpson had founded.
Early World’s Gospel Union logo
And so unlike Camino, there was a group in Kansas sending missionaries before they had a formal organization – but that organization would be formed 2 years after Camino – in 1882. It was called the World’s Gospel Union, later becoming the Gospel Missionary Union (GMU) – and later Avant Ministries. Like Camino, Avant was influenced by a group of people promoting foreign missions that included J. Hudson Taylor.
Fisher led Avant in the early years – his purpose was to “promote Bible study, consecrated Christian living, sound doctrine, and the preaching of the Gospel where Christ is not named”.
The early founders of Avant included R. A. Torrey, C. I. Scofield (an original founder of Camino), and Luther Rees (also an original founder of Camino – and also important in the founding of Wycliffe Bible Translators – but that’s another story!). But another one of the early founders was Canadian William Holmes Howland.
Howland was the leader of what would become the Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada (founded by fellow Canadian A. B. Simpson), but he had just left a remarkable career as the mayor of Toronto (see Toronto the Good). Sadly, Howland died of pneumonia only a year after Avant was founded. He was only 49.
More Recent History
In 2018, Avant approached Camino Global with the idea of uniting the two missions together. The hope was that we would be “better together” as a combined organization, which would have about 500 missionaries in 50+ countries. In November 2018, the boards of both missions agreed to the proposal.
The missions unite today, under the name Avant Ministries (in Canada Avant Ministries Canada).
There is still much work to be done in the offices and fields of Avant as the two missions come together. A lot has been done on general vision and on legal and financial matters, but that’s only the beginning. We would appreciate your prayers as we move forward together, continuing the work that began in 1890.
The missions force of the new mission is made up of about 27% “Millenials”, and 36% “Gen-Xers”, with the other 37% “Boomers” and older. But the work needs to grow, as churches work to send out new missionaries around the world, preaching Christ where He is not known.
Missionaries currently serve in Africa, Asia, North, Central and South America, and Europe.
And so the work continues – for the glory of Christ. Who knows where He will lead, and what He will accomplish around the world! As the early logo above says – “Speed the Word over land and sea!” Lord Jesus, may it be!
Well, midsummer (summer solstice) has arrived here in the northern hemisphere. Since I haven’t had much of an opportunity to write lately, I’m taking a moment to look backward and forward to catch you up on what’s happening.
The last Two Weeks
Daryl and my Dad check out the new shed we assembled.
I just finished a brief trip to Canada, to help my parents move. They just moved a few blocks away – within the same town – but if any of you have tried such a thing, you know how challenging it can be!
Thanks to Daryl and Iwona, and many from the local churches, who helped so much (and are still helping as my parents finish up the move!).
I also had a chance to see Hannah, and Shari’s parents, and many others in Three Hills before I took off back to Mexico.
During my absence from Mexico, lots was happening as usual! You’ll want to check out Rod’s post about the team that he and Mayra took down to Oaxaca – A Wonderful Week in Oaxaca.
“Regular” ministry continues, as I get ready for Sunday’s continuing teaching on the Ten Commandments, and of course Hebrews.
At the beginning of July, Hannah will be coming home for the summer! Yes, we tried to time it so that we could both come back together, but it didn’t quite work out. So, as Hannah finishes her exams, we will prepare for her arrival!
On the side of practical matters, Avant and Camino Global are rushing toward unification as one mission. There are a thousand details to talk about and work through. The official date of launch is the 1st of July.
If you receive our newsletter, and if I have your email address, I will try to get some information out to you on or before that date. Otherwise, hopefully you’ll be seeing some changes here on our website shortly with more information, and we’ll get a letter to you by snail mail next month.
So, yes, a lot is happening right now! But it’s the longest day of the year – I should be able to get something done, right? 😀
Thanks so much for your encouragement and prayers. I’ll try to keep you up to date as I’m able.