Yes, our little girl is off to college. It seems like only yesterday she was a little girl playing with Polly Pockets
around the house. *sigh*
Well, ok, let me clarify. She’s not going right now. Lord willing she’ll be starting in August (yes, 2007 AD). And she’s not really going away – she’s just going for 2 or 3 hours a day, and it’s close to our house. And the "college" is for little kids like her – and older too.
It’s called Colegio del Bosque (college, or school of the forest). Yes, it really is in the forest. It’s a well established Mexican bilingual school. Lord willing (Dios mediante) we plan to send Hannah here for Spanish in the fall, part time. Actually, school starts sometime in mid-August. There’s lots to do before then – medical checkups, uniforms, school supplies, and so on and so on.
We’re thankful that the Lord provided a place that is close to where we live. It was also important for us to find a school that was willing to work with us – a lot of schools are "full time or nothing". Since Hannah is continuing her education in English at home, that would be a little much for this coming year.
One big question remains – is Nathanael going to "college" as well? Actually, in Mexico kids much younger than him attend school. We’ll be thinking and praying about whether or not to send him, part time as well, along with Hannah.
Another interesting factor is the schedule. The school is actually bilingual, but Hannah will only be going for the Spanish part. So the time of her classes will change from week to week, and the same with Nathanael’s (if he goes). So things could get a little tricky with all that and our school too!
Anyway, we’re thankful that we found this school, and hopeful that we can get everything figured out before Hannah’s first day of classes. Is she excited? YES!