Websites and praying for miracles!

Well, it’s been an interesting summer so far (remember, for those of us not going to school in the fall, summer isn’t over until September 23 or something like that!). One of the things that I did for a few hours this summer was build websites on the side, both as a service and to raise a few dollars to keep the fridge full over the summer (ok, so it’s a small fridge!).

Why not take a look? I’ve set up a new page of information in case anyone else wants something similar done. Visit iservices.

Last week we put out a new newsletter, which you should be getting soon.

There are a couple of things that we’re praying about right now, maybe you could join us! First, our eyes are not doing great because of problems with our eyewear. Shari’s is just old, and Jim’s seems to be malfunctioning (I’m simplifying things so that this entry isn’t too long!). Because we have no medical coverage for this kind of thing, and because Jim’s eyes are “special”, we’re looking at a cost of about $500 Canadian (US$350). So we’d appreciate your prayers about that.

We’re also dealing with a car problem, which is probably fairly minor, but has been dragged out because of a repair that just doesn’t seem to be solving the problem (excuse me again if I simplify to save space!). Tomorrow the car is going to be looked at, so please pray that if the car needs to have further work done that God will provide the money for that.

God has answered so many of our prayers so far, I’m sure He will do it again!

Meanwhile, we’re enjoying a visit from Shari’s sister Amy, who is here from England. Shari’s parents will be coming next week, and we’ll be celebrating Jevon’s dedication (clue in: Jeff (Shari’s brother) and Tracy’s baby is Jevon, and they’ll be publicly expressing their understanding that he belongs to the Lord).

We’re also busy planning for the next couple of months, which promise to be busy as always. Sometimes planning means planning to have a day off, because if you don’t plan ahead you won’t get one!