On Wednesday we went to Chalco (with the team from Mt. Calvary Church) and presented another eight wheelchairs to people in need of them. Each person was given a Bible, and Mayra gave a presentation of the Gospel to the recipients and their family and friends who were there.
Here are the eight people who received the wheelchairs, given in cooperation with the Free Wheelchair Mission. In the bottom right you can see Mayra sharing with one woman, using the woman’s new Bible.
To see this event in our Photo Gallery, just click the image below.
As many of you know, we have a team here from Pennsylvania. It’s been a great start to summer activities, with a soccer tournament, tiling at the church property, baking classes, visiting a home for seniors, a wheelchair presentation, English classes – and we’re not done yet!
Eventually I’ll post some pictures in our photo gallery, but here are a few just to show what we’ve been up to in the past few days…
Yesterday I drove up to the church’s property to see a water company vehicle, a police truck, and a small group of “concerned neighbours”. Yes, it was time, again, to try to get water to the property, after over a year full of attempts.
The water company workers and the police were the constants throughout the day – the neighbours dispersed.
By the evening, this tube was running through our wall, and it had WATER in it!
Yes, we actually have real water. Not really any organized way to deal with it yet, beyond a mess of hoses, and a storage tank. But that’s a whole lot better than no water at all!
Thank you so much, all of you who have prayed for so long. God has answered our prayers.
And now – what? Maybe some electricity? Functioning bathrooms? The sky is the limit! 🙂
Thanks so much for your prayers! Aaron has been found! He is alive and well.
God is good.
A little more information: Aaron took the kayak from Raotan Island, off the north coast of Honduras. He stayed with his kayak, and was found about 29km NNW of Utila Island. It had been about 15 hours. What a journey!
Please pray for Camino missionaries Mark and Michelle Fittz and their family today. Mark’s sister and her family were visiting from Texas. Mark’s nephew, Aaron, went out on a kayak in the Caribbean Sea last night around 6pm and has not returned.
The search had to be called off last night, but is resuming this morning. The search will now be extending to Belize as well.
This from Aaron’s Dad, Daniel:
Please continue to pray for Aaron to say afloat on the kaiak, him to have peace as he remains lost on a huge sea at night, for Mary Beth and the kids. Also that The Holy Spirit with guide the rescue effort straight to Aaron’s location. I am eternally grateful for the prayers and the outpouring of love and support from both those who know us well and those we have never met. May God richly bless you. Hug your kids.
. . . your faith in God has gone forth everywhere . . . (1Thes 1:8)
Summer may actually start on the 21st of June, but the season of summer activities begins here in only 13 days – the 11th of June. Lord willing, our first intern (Abby!) will be arriving that day, followed on the 12th by a team of 20 from Mt Calvary Church.
It’s always nice to have graphic designers around, and we’re thankful to Samuel again for coming up with a logo for our summer, which should explain itself –
So what are some of our goals for the summer? Well, we want to see cross-cultural relationships built for the glory of God. We want to see some major steps forward taken in the construction of the ministry centre and church meeting place in Jesús MarÃa. We want to serve our community, helping people in practical ways as well as giving spiritual food. We hope to reach out to those with physical and mental disabilities, and to city street kids. We hope to see the work in Las Palmas grow, as relationships are built with believers, unbelievers, and ultimately with their Lord. We want to know our God better, worship Him more completely, and serve Him in love.
We can’t do it on our own – so join us in prayer, that the Spirit will open doors and hearts, give wisdom and strength, and do what we could never do.
At the moment we would especially appreciate your prayers for the intensive time of ministry right at the beginning. Safe travels for those coming on the 11th and 12th, and then for all the activities over the next week – a soccer tournament, baking, English, and craft classes, construction, wheelchair distribution, and time spent just being with people.