On Saturday four of us left Ixtapaluca at about 5am to attend a meeting of Bible church leaders from the area. I believe about 8 or 9 churches were represented (with three people attending via Zoom, due to a car breakdown and other circumstances).
It was encouraging to spend time together, although concerning at times to hear some of the things that people are going through. These are challenging times, and it’s good to come together as believers and look to the Lord.
We planned – or, I should say, started planning quite a few events for the coming year, including a youth event, a men’s retreat, and a joint service. Everyone is anxious to get together after having fewer activities over the past few years.
In other news, our coworkers Rod and David went to the state of Oaxaca to serve there and see what the Lord is doing. There’s a possibility of sending a team or two there in the future, whether from our area here in Mexico or (and?) from a team from outside the country. I won’t give everything away – there’s more information and a video at Rod’s blog – be sure to check out Reaching an Unreached Ethnic Group.
We’re encouraged to see what God is doing here at home as well. Here’s a recent picture from a Sunday morning, although there were quite a few who weren’t there that day. Nathanael used his growing skills as a photographer (Photography is one of his courses this year) to take the shot (with a timer, obviously!). Just click the image for a higher-resolution version in our photo gallery.
8 January 2023
Thanks to so many of you who also are working with us to reach Mexico!
I’m coming prepared now, somewhat, every Sunday, to discover what last-minute issues we have right before the service.
Yesterday it was mainly a laptop which decided it was time to update itself. It was the laptop we use for PowerPoints. And this Sunday I happened to be using a PowerPoint for my sermon. With the service starting at 11am, I think it was just about 11am when the laptop finally allowed me to check my presentation. 🙂
For the second year in a row we recognized Biblical Sexuality Sermon Sunday, and I preached on 1 Timothy 1:8-11 and 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, touching on a few other passages as well. We ended with 7 things that these texts give us “hope” for through Christ.
A woman from our church also shared about some of the challenges that our children are dealing with, from interactions with other friends and families and at school.
Even during the service, the unexpected should really be expected. Just as I was starting to preach, loud static suddenly woke us all up – we really need to upgrade our sound system. Thankfully that was fixed quickly (thanks, Ezequiel!).
But during the coffee break, the tent at the front caught the wind and blew over completely! Amazingly it didn’t hit anyone or knock anything over. The keyboard stand did tip, but the keyboard itself landed nicely on the chair behind it.
So for another glimpse into our Sunday mornings, here’s a brief video of the “rebuilding of the tent” (makes me think of Acts 15:16)…
A drive of an hour and a half can mean a significant change of altitude around here, and so a significant change of climate. It seems funny to see everyone bundled up, ready to leave Ixtapaluca (I could see my breath), only to end up swimming at a waterpark…
(click image for larger version)
So we drove to the state of Morelos, and gradually started to thaw out. We met together in an amphitheatre in the forest and sang some Christmas carols…
David led the service, and Rod shared some biblical truths about baptism…
And then the three baptismal candidates gave their testimonies.
What an encouragement to hear how God has been working in their lives!
Finally, we went down to the river. Here’s a video of the baptisms – for reasons which will be clear, it’s hard to hear what’s being said. But you’ll get the idea!
After that, we enjoyed some delicious food and some wonderful fellowship and some walking and swimming (and sleeping!) as people desired, before heading back as night began to fall.
Thanks to everyone who was praying! Your prayers are not taken for granted. There were some challenging issues in the congregations – such as a fall, sickness, an accident – which could have caused problems. But God was good. Please continue to pray for those three teens who were baptized, and their families.
For more detailed information, with more videos and photos, check out Rod’s blog Mexico Matters!
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here! Many of you are probably feeling like you’re well into the Christmas season as well.
Our December began – well, with a heartbreaking loss by Canada at the World Cup… just after Mexico was eliminated. *sigh*
But on the bright side, it also began with a visit from our friends Greg and Shelli! A rare pleasure indeed. 🙂
We also started listening to some devotions for Advent as a family – it’s not too late to start, if you’d like to join us! The book is called The Dawn of Redeeming Grace: Daily Devotions for Advent, and we’re listening to the audiobook version. We’ve already had some great times to learn about and meditate on the coming of our Saviour this year.
If you’re praying for the ministry here, there are some neat things coming up!
This coming Sunday driving about an hour or so out of town to a water park, where we’ll be having a baptism service. One or two people will be baptized, as far as I know. Please pray for them, their families, and for the church, during this special time together.
The following Sunday I’ll be preaching a Christmas sermon, from a fascinating section of Jesus’ family tree. So I would appreciate prayer as I prepare for that. And after that we have more special services in December, fellowshipping with our brothers and sisters.
As we enter into the holiday season, it’s a wonderful time for believers here. But it’s also a challenge, as so many spend time with unbelieving family and friends. Please pray for our witness during these days.
Nathanael has a lot of heavy schoolwork right now, so you can pray for him as well, as he tries to get done in order to have some time off.
And, as many of you know, we’re looking forward to having Hannah here for a few days over the holidays! So a very special Christmas indeed. They’re all special, of course. 🙂
There are about a million other things going on, but I’ll leave it at that for now! Thanks for your prayers.
May Christ be glorified this month, and into 2023!
On the 22nd of October, our friend Edgar was on his way to a men’s Bible study. He never arrived.
Edgar (in green) grilling up some cactus at a men’s retreat in 2021.
We found out later that he had apparently lost consciousness and collapsed on the way, and somehow was taken to the hospital.
Edgar never regained consciousness in this world. He passed away just short of 13 days later. He was 42 years old.
Those of you who receive our email update were likely praying for Edgar and his family over those days. We appreciate your continued prayers for his family – his wife’s name is Violeta, and his children are Frida and Pablo.
I want to take a moment to remember Edgar here. He was not only an important part of the Las Palmas church, he was (is) also a good friend and an example to me. Of course, I’m nothing special – he was a good friend to many!
The word “deacon” in the Bible simply means servant. From the time we got to know Edgar a few years ago, we could see that the word applied to him. Without being asked, many times probably without being noticed, he was setting things up, cleaning things, and taking things down. He constantly showed interest in other people, especially in the youth. Both believers and unbelievers knew that he cared about them, and wanted them to seek the Lord in their lives.
Edgar leading the service.
Edgar would often lead the service. The last time he led was on the 25th of September. What he shared at the beginning of the service will always be a reminder to me of his Christian testimony.
Edgar read from God’s Word at least a couple of times during the service. He reminded us at one point that it’s very important to carefully study the Bible, so that when something false comes along, we’ll recognize it.
That week there had been an earthquake in Mexico, which most of us had felt. He started by asking if anyone had been afraid. It was, of course, the topic of conversation that week.
He chose to start the service with this text, from Romans:
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? As it is written, “For your sake we are being killed all the day long; we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered.” No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:35-39
Yes, I think Edgar would want every believer to be reminded of that today.
Actually, without it being planned, God’s love seemed to be a major theme at our church during those almost two weeks when Edgar was in the hospital. And God did show His love and care for the family in many ways during that time. We’re very thankful for the testimony that his immediate family has had during these difficult days, not only to us as a church, but also to unbelievers around them.
Violeta, Pablo and Frida – after they were baptized in July 2020. (Photo courtesy Rod Fry)
But as Edgar’s family moves into the unknown future, do keep praying for them. We’re all moving into an unknown future, aren’t we? And I think that Edgar would want us to be reminded that nothing can separate God’s people from His love.
And I still remember the smile on his face when he asked, “Was anyone afraid?”
Well, is anyone afraid?
Today, with more confidence than ever, I think that Edgar would say with a smile, “No need.”
This past Sunday, the Las Palmas Path of Life Bible Church celebrated its 6th anniversary! You can see our theme in the banner below (click for a slightly larger version). For those who can’t figure it out, it’s Matthew 28:18-20. The theme was chosen by the preacher, Ezequiel.
6th Anniversary Service banner
All was chaos before the service, I have to admit. Some people were trying to put up banners from our past anniversaries, with eventual success, but with many trials along the way! I was supposed to be practising with the worship team, but just had to get a video working – didn’t work on that laptop, didn’t work with that software download, connected another laptop… and on and on. The sound system stopped working, so we pulled out an old sound system which we limped along with. The video never did happen, but after we caught our breath – it was a great day! 🙂
Oscar led the service (he’s the first person you’ll see in the video), and did a great job. I made the video below a little longer than I intended to (obviously it’s all in Spanish, although I did subtitle one or two things at the beginning), because I wanted you to see just how many people were involved. People sharing testimonies, playing music, praying… and, of course, after the service – bringing food! And leading games! You’ll see some of that too.
The sermon was a great challenge to us all – very practical. And if we do what we did last year, we might keep this banner up at the front of the church for the year, as a reminder. It’s interesting how various parts of this passage have come alive in recent months – the authority of Christ, our responsibility in ministry – and especially over the last few weeks, the reminder that He is with us – a theme that has been strong in our study of Exodus as well (which we will be finishing in tomorrow’s service!).
You might recognize the song I was leading at the end, at the request of the preacher. If not, here it is in English, one of my current favourites.
Thanks again to so many of you who have prayed for and supported this ministry. Without further comment, here are some clips from Sunday.
If you would like to see the full service, just go here and go to the link for the 6th of November (6 noviembre 2022).