At The Beaches in Toronto, OntarioIf all goes according to schedule, tomorrow will be our last full day in Canada! The time sure has flown by, as we knew it would. So I thought I’d stop and give you an update and let you know what will be happening the last few days.
Basically, we’ve been zipping around southern Ontario, visiting family and friends. On Sunday, we enjoyed a visit to Heise Hill Brethren in Christ Church, where we shared and sang in the morning service.
On Sunday evening I had a great time sharing the Maximizing Your Short Term Mission Trip seminar, also at Heise Hill. We had a great group, some of whom had never been involved in missions, others who had quite a bit of experience, some who had even received teams as long term missionaries, or who were involved in missionary training. There were also a few members of a team that will be serving in Cuba this fall.
So we had a great time (well, I did, and it seemed like most everyone was having a good time!) going through the material, and then we took some extra time brainstorming specific topics, like – how can we get others interested in mission trips, when they’re not the ones going? What kinds of things can we do or bring with us that will help us interact with people of other cultures? We came up with some great creative ideas.
Today we were at The Beaches (or The Beach, depending on who you talk to), Toronto, with our friends the Beaches. And yes, while we were there we visited the beach.
And now… continuing south…
And now we continue our trip south, heading south of Lake Ontario to Wainfleet tomorrow, then on Wednesday we’ll be crossing the border into the USA. We’re looking forward to visiting Shari’s sister Amy and her husband Nate (and maybe… maybe… their new baby… will it arrive in time??), who you may know from their famous blog Under The African Rain.
From there we plan to continue south on the weekend, arriving in Mexico City the following week. As I have more specific dates I’ll let you know – we would appreciate your prayers as we travel and especially as we cross borders.
Lots more to say, but no time – maybe we can have an "Ontario Week" when we get back to Mexico, and catch you up on some of the interesting news. 🙂