The World Uses Art
We’ve been looking at some biblical principles for art – and in a wider sense, creativity and communication. These are good things created by God, that the world desires to twist to its own purposes.

So, what does the world do? It takes what actually belongs to God – creativity and communication. It denies any dependence on Him. It changes their purpose. And it mixes truth with error.
The world wants to change the truth – hide it – suppress it (Romans 1:18).
And here, concepts like art, communication, technology and justice intersect. CGI technology. Deepfakes. Virtual reality. Social networks. Chatbots. The more we make our lives “digital”, the easier it becomes to lie to everyone. The easier it becomes to build a “world without God”, without any consequences for sin, an imaginary world. Built by human imagination.
We all must have a smartphone – or better, wearable technology. And today we talk about “the internet of things” – connecting more and more things to the network. Adding convenience, but also making everything easier to control from – elsewhere.
If the internet can be controlled, if art and communication can be controlled, it will be so much easier to control everyone.
We saw something fascinating happen over the past few years in many countries. Governments informed us that it was really no problem to have our religious services online. No worries. It was just fine to meet with our families online. Step one.
Step two. Invest heavily in technology. Make it so that more and more people can connect to high-speed internet. (Do a little digging and see what your government did – you might be surprised!).
And then, step three. Find ways to control what’s happening online. Technology, information — communication.
I could give some examples, but I’ll let you check them out for yourselves.
Back in 2021, when I was first working on this topic, all of the news feeds were exploding with the story of Frances Haugen, a former Facebook manager. She was expressing her concerns, certainly some valid concerns, about Facebook and Instagram.
What was fascinating about this was the solutions that the headlines proposed. Here’s one from Mexico (La Jornada) (my translation): Facebook Whistleblower Calls for Regulation of the Company before the US Senate
Another one – EI Universal: Facebook Whistleblower calls on US Lawmakers to Regulate the Social Media Giant
How about the CBC? Ottawa urged to crack down on Facebook after bombshell whistleblower testimony before U.S. Senate
What’s the solution “everyone” is all of a sudden pushing for? To go to “the Lord the Government” and ask them to take control.
It’s not surprising that if people with an unbiblical worldview want to take control of creativity and communication, injustice and lies will follow. Truth will be mixed with error, and God’s truth will be ignored (suppressed). What truth? The truth about the world in general, the truth about judgement, truth about salvation, truth about Christ.
In the USA, President Biden did something in 2021 that had never been done in the history of the country. Something that you probably wouldn’t guess.
There is a commission that is in charge of the design of official buildings in the capital. Upon becoming president, Mr. Biden got rid of more than half of the people on the commission and replaced them. Unheard of! Why was this such a huge priority? Because – a revolution in the culture requires a revolution in its art. In this case, in architecture.
For example, there has been a movement in architecture to make buildings look “anti-natural” – in some cases, even intentionally ugly. And so you have a structure which essentially says, “There is no order in this world. There is no God.” And then, of course, you have engineers who must use God’s order to make sure that the building doesn’t collapse!
You see, architecture has a purpose. It has its own message. In Mexico, we have the National Palace, for example. It’s both a symbol of government and a functional place where business is conducted. It was originally built in 1711, and hasn’t changed much since the Independence. It uses European elements, showing the connection between Mexico and Spain. It’s built on land used by Moctezuma II and Hernán Cortés, showing a continuity of power.
It also uses a style known as “baroque”. This style emerged from Roman Catholicism in Italy, as a way to fight against the Protestant Reformation. It was a new and awe-inspiring style. And so even Roman Catholicism is represented in the National Palace. And we could go on and on. Art has a purpose.
But let’s not make it sound like art is like a functional machine – one of the “purposes” of art is to be simply enjoyed. We enjoy beauty, because beauty is from God, and glorifies Him. Enjoying the beauty of Creation is part of its noble purpose.
But remember this: Art, like anything else, is under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
We’ve talked a little about purpose, truth and dependence in creativity and communication. Next time we’ll talk specifically about how we can evaluate or judge art.