Last week we took a long journey, although we ended up in the same state we started in (our home state), and took a few days off.
Not much to say about that at the moment, except that it was a nice change. However, I did want to share this video with you.
While we were out of the city, I took several walks in the forest. There was one sound in particular that I noticed – it sounds like it might be birds, but maybe you can tell me. The sound you’re looking for is heard clearly three times in this short video. It lasts a few seconds, and gets higher and higher in pitch. What is it?
It’s been a whirlwind of activity around here – and it’s continuing, actually! But finally I decided I’d better write something here to update you all. 🙂
Holy week began with Palm Sunday, and I was preaching. It was very interesting, I’ve never specifically preached on a Palm Sunday theme, so I learned a lot. For example, do you remember that verse that talks about the people waving palm branches as Jesus rode by? I don’t think you do, actually, because there’s no such verse. How about that? (For the record, I think there’s good biblical evidence that the people did wave palm branches – but there’s no one verse specifically saying so. In fact, only one Gospel actually mentions palms.)
During the week we went up north of Mexico City to the ranch where our friends the Howers live, for a missionary kid camp. It was designed for the kids and teens, but lots of adults (many MKs themselves, but not all) came as well. It was a great time of sharing and learning and fun and fellowship.
Back we came to Ixtapaluca, in time for a Good Friday service, led by our friend Edgar, in which Ezequiel led us through a meditation on the meaning of Christ’s death.
And then, of course, Resurrection Sunday! Oscar preached on – well, the resurrection, of course! And I led a game of “Who said it? Resurrection Sunday edition”.
Surprisingly, there are a lot of quotes in the resurrection story – and it’s not always so easy to remember who said it!
Today I’m getting ready for this coming Sunday, when we’ll be continuing our study of biblical anthropology. We’ve been doing it the first Sunday of each month, but we made an exception because of Holy Week. I don’t know how it’s going for everyone else, but I’ve been learning a lot from our study!
On Saturday we have our institute class – and in our New Testament Survey we’re finally arriving at the last book of the Bible! So that should be fun.
So it has been busy. Nathanael is starting to head into the home stretch for school, so that will be a little crazy over the next few weeks.
But Lord willing we will be able to get away for a few days next week and have a break, before diving back in again.
There’s a lot coming up, including the usually very busy month I lovingly call Manic May. Lots of decisions to be made. May we be faithful in service to our Lord as we take each step!
10 years ago today – a closing program at the community centre in the community of Jesús María. Along with various other classes (including Shari’s baking class), I had a presentation for my keyboard class.
For the keyboard class, we had a game show – Todo el Mundo Cree Que Sabe (Everyone Thinks They Know), which is the Mexican version of Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?.
So here’s a photo of the show in action. But as a bonus, a short video from the whole event below.
I haven’t been posting a lot lately, because I haven’t had time! That’s my excuse. 🙂
But anyway, if you’d like to catch up on what I have posted in the last three months (2021 so far), here are the most popular posts, in chronological order, with the most popular in bold.
This picture isn’t necessarily specific to March 2011 – it would probably fit pretty well anytime since. But still, I like the picture.
Driving through traffic in Mexico City, you see a lot of people selling a lot of things to people in their cars. In this case, this fellow was selling cotton candy. And – can you see what he’s selling in his other hand? Click for a larger view of the picture.
Some kind person is leaving these all around the neighbourhood so that the street dogs have something to drink in t…
????? Be Thou my battle shield, sword for the fight; be Thou my dignity, Thou my delight; Thou my soul’s shelter, Thou…