March Ministry (and other adventures)
One wonders, does one not, how goods and services are really being affected by lockdowns and shifts in economic power. But maybe some of these things aren’t so unusual, if you look back over the years!
Like mailing some letters, and having them delivered to your house by mistake (I finally brought those back to the post office, by the way. The nice lady just rolled her eyes and took them.). Or ordering something and having the wrong item delivered (do you know how hard it is to actually contact someone about a mistake like that?). Ah, the little things that take up our time!

But there are also a lot of things to enjoy! For example, we enjoyed a visit to the city of Puebla earlier this week, and were able to visit some friends we haven’t seen in a while. These times are not only fun, but a good time to share ministry ideas.
I finally had a chance to look at some new tracts that our friend Chalo created (pictured here). It’s titled “Uncertainty”, and talks about the uncertainty that the COVID-19 situation has created. So we’ll be providing those to our church as another witnessing tool.
The weather changed here, as it usually does (in our perception) – very quickly. In a few days we’ve gone from several layers of clothes and lots of candles and hot drinks to t-shirts and fans. The jacarandas are in full bloom and everyone mentions the heat in casual conversation.
We’re heading into another busy weekend now, as I prepare a Bible study for tonight (on the Second Coming of Christ!) and worship music for tomorrow. Nathanael will be joining us again on the ukulele, so that’s always fun. 🙂
Then on Monday we have a one-day men’s retreat out in the country, which should be fun! Meat will be involved. Please do pray that this will be a good time of sharing together.
On Sundays we continue our study of Romans, so I’ve been spending lots of time in Romans 11, which is a real blessing, though also a real challenge! And then we’ll be taking a break and doing some special themes – Palm Sunday, a special Good Friday service, and then of course Resurrection Sunday. And then we continue our biblical Anthropology series.
So there will be a lot of interesting and worship-causing study over the next few weeks!