We really enjoyed the special service (put together by Rod) and time of fellowship (put together by Perla) that we had on the last Sunday of 2019.
There were piñatas, of course…
Nathanael attempts to destroy a piñata
And games…
Shari competes in cup stacking…
And, of course, lots of food.
The service itself was really a highlight. One of the things that Rod did was have focused prayer times. Of course a major focus was prayer for the church.
I thought you might like to see his list, because many of you enjoy praying for this young church as well! So here it is – 7 prayer requests for the new year in Rod’s words (but translated of course). Please pray for:
Commitment and growth in the lives of the members of the church in 2020.
A constant and faithful evangelistic outreach throughout 2020.
The baptism of new believers in 2020.
The development of mature and spiritual leadership.
A time of blessed learning through the theological courses in 2020.
The arrival of Matheus and Silvia at the beginning of 2020 [interns from Europe coming to serve with us – more on that soon!].
The purchase of a property or building in 2020.
Thanks for your prayers! We look forward to seeing what God will do in 2020!
Ten years ago today, Hannah and Nathanael were sending balloons to the three Kings.
So, if you don’t know the tradition – in Mexico, children get gifts on the 6th of January, which is Epiphany. That’s the time when people remember the visit of the wise men. They gave gifts – so we give gifts. 🙂
But it’s nice to let them know what you want to receive ahead of time, right? So you buy a balloon, you attach your note to it, and you send it up into the sky. So here’s a photo from 10 years ago today – Hannah had already sent up her balloon, and Nathanael was ready to go!
(An update for a new decade – balloons are starting to become rarer, because of environmental sensibilities. Many children are leaving a note for the kings in their shoes, which is where the gifts are traditionally left. 🙂 )
I realize that historically, this isn’t really the end of another decade. But everybody’s talking about it anyway, since we have to remember to start years with “202” instead of “201” – so, as we enter 2020, let’s look back at the most popular posts of the last decade.
From one of the decade’s most popular posts
In 2011 – and updated in 2013 – Spanish Bible Versions – Free Online. I should probably update that again. This was originally posted because of work I did in the Where did the Bible Come From? seminar.
2012 was a big year, with the most popular post of the decade being Just how Stressed are Missionaries (and what can we do about it)?. I’m not sure what that says about this blog that this is the most popular post – but hey, it is an important topic to think about as we help our missionaries, especially when they’re new on the field.
Another historic note I wrote the next year – William Tyndale.
Here’s an important post from 2014. I was actually thinking of doing an updated version of this, but when I reread it, I think it’s actually even more accurate now than it was then. Sadly. So – don’t miss 7 Reasons to Pray for Mexico.
I was paying attention – really. But also thinking,"We have 4 extension cords with all equipment plugged in one out… https://t.co/XJ04UbE3FQ2019-12-22
Reading: Masterchef Mexico's Carmen Miranda To Bring Latin Flavor To Buckingham Palace As New Chef https://t.co/q90uKh0bIK2019-12-23
Recommended game – "Good Little Ninjas". Free download to print and play, great game to stick in your pocket and ta… https://t.co/bHjQYykHB42019-12-23
Thanks for joining me in the exploration of Hark! The Herald Angels Sing! I hope you enjoyed it. Below is the index for the full series. I would also like to share some sources that you can check out for yourself.
This song has had its changes through the years. Even the hymnbooks I have on hand used different words. So, for my base text, I used this version from the Cyber Hymnal.