The advantage of having Sunday worship in a party venue – different decorations every week. This week – an LP theme…
We have mentioned the PrayerMate app before (check out this post). It’s a great way to organize your prayer life. And, you can also get live updates of prayer requests directly from the Cottrill family from right within the app. Contact us for details!
If you’re still on the fence about using PrayerMate, check out this new video, with some testimonies from real people who use it regularly.
Woman selling food by the highway, with a volcano erupting in the background.
This week we were going back and forth to the city of Puebla, a trip of about an hour and a half each way. The good part was that Hannah had a chance to hang out with several of her MK friends, who “just happened” to all be in Mexico at the same time! So that was pretty cool.
The not-so-fun part was dealing with some medical issues, but of course these things are necessary.
On the second day, we were stuck in traffic for a long time – making us late for a doctor’s appointment. It turned out to be an accident. After we got home, I found out there was another accident right at a toll booth we had just gone through – a truck lost its brakes and ran into a car carrying a family of 3. Thankfully, no one was hurt. But – it’s all a reminder of how God keeps us safe many times when we don’t even realize it.
We also took a trip with some friends to go and say “goodbye” to Tina Barham – a bittersweet visit, of course! Tina hasn’t lived in Ixtapaluca for a while now, but she has at least been in Mexico. But now she’s heading to the USA to take a new job recruiting new missionaries, at our mission’s office there (Avant Ministries). So we enjoyed our time with her, but we’ll miss having her in the country. 🙁
Overall, it’s been a rather tiring and difficult week. But I’m looking forward to our time of worship tomorrow! I even get to teach Sunday school, as we continue our study of the Ten Commandments.
I haven't watched this yet, but I want to share it now because the documentary will only be available for purchase…
You can tell by the buckets on our floor and the drips from our ceiling that rainy season has arrived at last. On Sunday morning I was at the front, just about to lead in a Scripture reading, and I let out a yelp as I got sprayed by water from above. Apparently the rain from the night before was sitting up there, and dripping not only on me but on others throughout the service. Hopefully not much on our sound system!
But hopefully I can be forgiven if I started thinking about the old song Showers of Blessing…
Showers of blessing, Showers of blessing we need: Mercy drops round us are falling, But for the showers we plead.
Daniel W. Whittle
The words are an expression of thanks and prayer. Yes, we’re so thankful for what God is doing in our lives – in our community – in our church – but we want more! Not for ourselves, but for the Lord.
It fits well with Sunday’s study on the lives of Gideon and Barak – imperfect, hesitant men who nonetheless accomplished great things because of their faith in God. As William Carey pleaded – Expect great things from God, attempt great things for God!
VBS promo flyer
So we are looking forward to more great things. In two weeks we’ll be well into a major community outreach event – a vacation Bible school in Las Palmas. We’ll be back at the old party hall where we used to meet for the week (that’s another story), Monday to Friday. We’ll have help from a short term team for the week, and a lot of help from many people in the church.
We’re preparing and praying – asking for those showers of blessing!
The theme of the week is the life of Joseph (otherwise known as Zaphenath-paneah – that tongue-twister was Pharoah’s bright idea) – certainly one of my favourites.
So we would love it if you joined us in prayer – pray for our church as we prepare, for the team as they travel, and for the families in the community. We’ll be having not only lessons for kids and young teens, but also for parents who will be hanging out while their kids are there. So pray that many would come, and that we would clearly share God’s truth and love with them!
Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.
So we’re almost two weeks into the two-missions-becoming-one thing, and the process is moving along, although it hasn’t been without its hiccups. However, we’ve been very appreciative of all the staff, especially in Canada (just because we’ve worked with them the most), who have been very helpful as we work out the details.
You might see that several things have been updated here at the website (I hope it’s working – I’m holding my breath). Mission specific information has been updated. And I think the general setup of the site has been improved, and should work much better on your mobile device. But if you see any problems, feel free to let us know. Oh, and check out the new photos in our gallery here.
Also, for everyone who gets our newsletter – you’re going to get one soon! It’s packed with things you need to know about – the latest news, information about this change, and more. And thanks to the whole family here for the work they put into getting it all ready for you! So watch your snail-mailbox for that – Lord willing most of you should see that in a couple of weeks. We’ll share some important things there that we won’t share here.
Anyway, ministry is continuing here, so I’d better get back to work. I’m looking forward to preaching tomorrow on Gideon and Barak, as we continue our trek through Hebrews. Talk to you later!