Keeping Busy in Canada…
In the past 48 hours or so, someone in the family has been out for lab tests or a doctor’s appointment four times. Two of those before 8am. Everyone is healthy, as far as we know so far! Just routine tests. Of course, that kind of routine can make you tired and sick! 😀
Oh, by the way – if you’re in the Calgary area and you’re interested in coming on Tuesday, please do! If you would like, you can also join us for a prayer meeting before the seminar – at 6pm. If you can’t, no worries, just come at 7pm for the seminar itself.
We’re also getting ready for ministry at Cremona Country Fellowship on Sunday, and then at Innisfail Baptist Church on the 16th. For more details on upcoming events, go here.
But of course what everyone really wants to know is – how is Hannah doing? 🙂
Well, you can ask her for the real story, but she seems to be doing well. Today is day #4 of classes in grade 11 at Prairie Christian Academy, and she’s gradually getting her schedule figured out and getting used to where to go when. Lord willing we’ll be seeing her on the weekend.
So what’s coming up besides all this? Well, more errands and general work to do, yes – more doctors’ appointments. And getting Nathanael ready for school – another priority. So yes – as disjointed as all this sounds, we are indeed keeping busy in Canada.