Retro: School Photos (New Year, New City)
Ten years ago today. A new school year was about to begin, and we were in a new city – Ixtapaluca. So, it was time for some paperwork, including new photos of Hannah and Nathanael!
Ten years ago today. A new school year was about to begin, and we were in a new city – Ixtapaluca. So, it was time for some paperwork, including new photos of Hannah and Nathanael!
Thanks so much for your prayers for us during our time of ministry in Prince Albert! Yes, my voice did hold out – a little painful by the end, but I think everyone could hear me. 🙂
We very much enjoyed our time at Community Bible Church – and it was great to see those of you who came even from other churches to visit!
Thanks also for your prayers for the VBS in Las Palmas. We have gotten lots of good reports – many children who attended were from outside the church, and there have been some new people coming to worship on Sunday mornings.
Today, Hannah will be heading to ReBoot Alberta, a week-long camp for MKs who are transitioning to life in Canada! I’m sure Hannah would appreciate your prayers as she goes. It looks like it will be a fun time!
On top of that, we have lots of work to do. We’ve been dealing with various medical appointments, getting errands done, getting other work done, preparing for upcoming ministry, and so on.
On the 12th we’ll be at Penhold Church of Hope, just south of Red Deer. If you’re in the area, it would be great to see you! The service starts at 10:30am.
For more on our upcoming schedule, just check our summery itinerary here.
Thanks again for your prayers! I hope we can see many of you soon.
Wow – another month almost gone! Well, here’s a look at the most popular posts from the past 90 days, in chronological order. The most popular of all is in bold.
We’re approaching the half-way mark of our tour of Alberta and Saskatchewan! Right now we’re in SK, and looking forward to being in Prince Albert this weekend. If you’re in the area, check out our weekend activities here (just look for the date), and consider joining us!
We would appreciate your prayers for the weekend. This is one of those seminars that may look simple, but it does require many hours of prep and setup. And I’ll be going from Saturday night to Sunday afternoon between the seminars and preaching and sharing and so on.
So pray that my voice will hold out! 🙂
But more than that, just pray that God would give us all strength and endurance – and that God’s Spirit would speak through us as we share. May we all grow in Him this weekend!
You could also pray for the vacation Bible school that’s going on in Las Palmas now! The group there needs lots of endurance as well, as they share God’s Word with those kids. Pray that the children would come out, and that God would speak to them through His Word.
Thanks so much! I hope we can see lots of you in Prince Albert on Saturday and Sunday!