The weak is almost over . . .
The weak is almost over. Yes, pun intended. It has been quite a week! Since I wrote my last entry, we had to take Shari to the medical clinic. You’ll be glad to hear that she’s fine, and feeling much better. Hannah has had a very rough week. The last few days she hasn’t been feeling well and has had energy, so it’s been a challenge.
Shari thinks Hannah may be starting her “terrible twos” . . . her first week, anyway. For the sake of my sanity I’m living in denial and telling my self that they’re called the “terrible twos” because they only last two weeks. One more week to go! 🙂
Anyway, we’ve been taking drastic steps to spell each other off with Hannah because she’s been such a handful. However, she does seem a little better today. They say that it takes 8-10 days to get over and infection like this, and this is the 8th day.
Thanks for your prayers! We have certainly needed the Lord’s strength this week. He hasn’t let us down.
I don’t know what next week has in store, but I we’ll be able to catch up on our work and all be feeling at least a little better. This next few days we have people to see, ministry to prepare for, reports to write, and a trip to plan. So I’d better get back to work!
29 March 2003 @ 9:35 pm
Hi there!
Just though that i would just respond to your webpage…it was the first time I checked it out…it’s very good!
Well, hopefully it won’t be the last time i Check it out, but i hafta run…God Bless and hope to see you all soon!