You really CAN decide!
Last night I was watching a movie in which several people are trying to decide whether to accept or reject the truth about Jesus Christ. It occurred to me that so many people try to claim they are “unable” to make a decision for some reason.
I was thinking today of two guys I met. One was a middle aged man who thought that I should go and share the Gospel with somebody younger. He was convinced that it was simply to late for him – that he was too old. He just kept saying, “I’m over”.
Another man was a Jew. As I remember he threw up his hands and asked me if I had any idea how hard it was for a Jew to accept that God could have a Son.
With all due respect for the concerns of the above men, they cannot honestly avoid the issue quite that easily. Too old for what? Too old to make a decision? And however hard it is to accept the truth, the choice is still yours.
Now honest questions are quite another issue. If there are things you don’t understand, or things you disagree with for a logical reason or a simple lack of sufficient information, that’s a valid reason not to act. But so often we try to simply say we can’t decide . . .
I just can’t accept that (why?)
That’s ok for you but not for me (ok, but why?)
That’s too hard for me to believe
I think that we all do this at times. It goes right along with avoiding responsibility. Free choice is an amazing thing. You can take a lot away from humankind, but free choice cannot be forced out of a person. Let’s not give it up willingly by claiming an inability to choose.
“Give me liberty or give me death” In the end you can’t choose life and slavery anyway. As long as we can freely choose, we are alive. If we give up that right, we might as well be dead.
Celebrate the God-given freedom to choose! Be creative today. Make a choice to do the right thing. Put aside your excuses, and be a success!