Quick Update – October 2024
We returned from a quick trip to Canada four weeks ago, and we hit the ground running. The first day back in town we were already off to view a possible house to rent. And … spoiler … no news on that yet. We were scheduled to view a house yesterday, and had planned to go early to be the first ones there – but even that was not in time. It was rented before we left to see it. So – we stayed home and I packed another box of stuff. 🙂
But enough about all that! Life goes on with all the regular and irregular activities. We’re getting ready for the church’s 8th anniversary service, if you can believe that. That special event will be coming up in November. And in the meantime, we’re looking for another place to meet for the church – both temporary and permanent. As you might guess, so far availability of places seems to be low, and prices high. But hopefully we will at least find a temporary place to meet, while we look for / make a decision on a more permanent place to renovate / build.
There are lots of other things going on. After finishing up our series on the doctrine/values of the church, we’re doing some special themes in Sunday school, which has been interesting. I’ve done a couple so far, and I’m planning for another one or two. We’re also doing some special themes on the first Sunday of each month, so I’m preparing to share on the traditions of Christmas in the light of Scripture. As you might guess, it’s a whole different world here in Mexico – at least, in some ways. I’ve asked people at the church to give me some ideas of what topics they would like covered, so that should be interesting!
We recently finished preaching through the book of Zechariah, and we’re moving through 1 Corinthians now. Both challenging books, for sure! But the powerful Word of God is working!
We enjoyed a visit from Tim and Brianna last week, a couple from the USA who are planning to come and serve the Lord here in Mexico. It was great to hear their perspective and also to get together with some of our Mexican friends here to hear their perspective on ministry in Mexico. There’s a lot of work to do here! But praise the Lord that He is raising up workers.
We also had a chance to see another couple from our mission, Roger and Judy, who were down for a visit.
The institute classes are continuing, and I’m looking forward to teaching one of those. And we continue to have opportunities as a church to share the gospel at a local hospital, along with hot coffee and sandwiches. 🙂
There’s a quick update on some of the things that have been going on! I will try to communicate again soon. Since I’ve been so lazy in taking pictures and video, I will at least share this picture of Tajín ice creams. You might be able to buy Tajín where you live – it’s a salty spicy Mexican seasoning. Which, apparently, also comes in ice cream.