Alberta floods
Many of you have heard about the flooding in Southern Alberta. Of course, being on the 3rd floor we didn’t actually get flooded, but many many people had a lot of damage done to their homes. There was millions of dollars of damage, although it will be a while before the damage will be fully known. It’s looking like around $200 million. We can be thankful, however, that we’ve escaped the type of flooding other parts of the world have seen over the last few weeks.
In some areas, evacuees are just returning home today, and closed schools will likely reopen tomorrow. Flood warnings are still in effect in some areas.
Here the problem is water. With so much silt stirred up, the water treatment plants are having trouble keeping up. Right now we’re supposed to use as little water as possible. It’s a bit of a challenge – my thermometer says 33.5C (92.3F) and rising, with only 2% humidity. The good news is, it doesn’t look like rain!
26 June 2005 @ 8:35 pm
Seeing our grass grow to an unsightly height and not being able to cut it (because of rain or other priorities) seems like a really minor inconvenience when we see flooded homes and people (and pets) in shelters or waiting for the call to leave their homes and businesses. All these problems are caused, not by God but by our sin and the subsequent cursing of the earth. It’s a wonder that God is so merciful and patient with us. May we always choose to bless His Name no matter what catastrophies befall us personally or in the world around us. As did Job.