Something different around here…
Yes, things are looking a little different around here! I decided to finally try out some different blogging software. Greymatter served us well for two years, but the software hasn’t been updated for a loooong time, and suffice to say blogs have changed a lot.
So, on a whim I transferred our blog over to WordPress. Like Greymatter, WordPress is free, and we all like free. It’s easy to change the look and feel, add interesting features, and keep it updated.
Right away you’ll notice a few new features. In the side bar there, you’ll see a list of recent posts that have been commented on, by nice people like you. You’ll see upcoming events, archives that are much easier to access than before, and even a weather report. Of course I’ve imported the list of countries that visitors to Finding direction come from.
So, let us know what you think and we’ll see how it goes. I was going to leave the blog alone until the day when I updated the whole site (whenever that day may be), but WordPress only took a few minutes to set up, so they sucked me in. 🙂
You will notice that every entry doesn’t yet have a category (beyond Misc). That didn’t import, so I have to change them manually, which may take time. Recent posts are all in categories.
15 November 2005 @ 6:32 pm
I like the new look of the blog! I am a big fan of WordPress blogs.
16 November 2005 @ 1:30 pm
Glad you like it! It’s just an experiment, but so far so good as far as I’m concerned. 🙂