For the last little while my Dad has been working on a new website which features Bible studies and a whole bunch of other interesting tidbits. It’s called…
Some of the Bible studies already included are “Notes on the Psalms”, a series of thoughts on several Psalms. Here is an example – Psalm 1. You can just read it online or print it out for a small group study.
Also a part of the website are stories about hymns. Did you know a one-time pharmacist wrote “In The Garden”? Do you know why? Find out here. (By the way, my Dad authors a newspaper column with hymn stories. If you think your paper might be interested, let him know!) There’s also a free newsletter, featuring questions such as Why should we go to church? and Did Jesus tell us to amputate our hands?.
And there’s more. There are tips on topics such as, how can I choose a hymn book? What are essential books I should have in my library? And Lord willing there will be lots more coming. Click the graphic above to visit the site, and tell your friends. 😎