Glimpses of Cuernavaca
I was just reading a letter from a missionary friend of ours in Mexico. It’s so exciting to hear what’s happening down there. These particular missionaries are going to language school in Cuernavaca (where we’ll be soon) and doing ministry in the area. One day soon I would like to have a cool way to share a few tidbits of what’s going on in Mexico here on the website, but in the mean time I’ll just write here.
One of the things that struck me in the email (and so often in missionary letters) is the confusion that people so often have about the spirit world. Going through the city looking for books, this missionary was frustrated because so many bookstores are actually Wiccan bookstores. And yet, they all look the same on the outside!
There is a lot of witchcraft in Cuernavaca. One belief is that you can protect yourself by putting a pair of scissors above your doorway. Some well meaning people put some scissors up on the doorway of one missionary couple in Mexico, which they quickly took down.
You see, we know that we don’t need scissors to protect us – we already have something on the doorway of our hearts. If you know your Old Testament, you’ll know what I mean when I say it’s the “blood of the lamb”. It’s really Jesus Christ Himself, who has conquered the evil powers (Col 2:13-17). Oh, if only the people in Mexico could know of the freedom of the Lord! So many have never even been told, and they’re looking for freedom in the things that make them prisoners!
19 March 2005 @ 12:32 pm
Another test to see if this gets posted! I think I’ve discovered "the missing link."
Wow! It’s SO sad to realize that so many Mexicans are being led astray by such superstitions and lies! I can’t help but think that the same things are happening in our own beloved Canada and in the U.S.A. If it isn’t the scissors thing it’s horoscopes. Have you noticed that the contestants on American Idol have been referring to their horoscopes to help the audience get to know them.
We Christians need information like what you mention on this blog entry in order to know how to pray, etc. Thanks!