God’s Warmth in Chilly January
I’m just stopping by to say hello and let you know what we’re up to these day! So first – hello! And second, here’s a visual hello from Shari and her boys:
Actually, there are a few new photos in our Photo Gallery, if you would like to check them out.
So, yes, chilly January is here. I think we were pretty spoiled with temperatures last year, but winter has truly arrived in Mexico. And all of you up north can just be quiet about comparing temperatures – the truth is, I’m cold most of the time these days. Except today, when I brewed turkey soup on the stove all day, and made a dessert in the oven. It was a nice reprieve.
But seriously, this is the weather when a lot of houses are pretty cold around here, and that seems to lower your immunity, and people get sick. That can be bad, but of course these days there’s the added dimension that people feel they need to shut down their lives when that sniffle comes around, and so that means checking on people and sometimes shuffling around who is in charge of what on Sunday morning.
Tomorrow our church will take part in Biblical Sexuality Sermon Sunday (read more about that here). I’m actually not the main preacher. But by God’s providence, Rod was already preaching on a related theme. And I will address the topic earlier in our service, and we’ll be praying for our fellow believers in Canada, and other parts of the world, who are sharing God’s love and truth.
I’m excited that we’re getting back into Exodus next week, although I have to wait until the end of the month to preach myself. But I’ve already been preparing and I’ve got a fascinating text (Exodus 6).
Next week we’ll be continuing our leadership Bible studies, finishing the pastoral epistles. I think we’ve all learned a lot from the Apostle Paul (and most of all, the Holy Spirit!).
Nathanael is finishing up his semester next week, so that is certainly the end of a journey (and another one will begin the following Monday).
And I started my second Greek course this week. So that has meant a lot of study. A bonus is that I’m the only student in the class, no extra charge! 🙂
We’ve been excited about some past and future opportunities to share the gospel. So do pray for those who are hearing, that God’s Spirit would work in their lives and bring them to life.
And there are a lot of other things going on – every-day things, ministry things . . . even some online ministry at En la Biblia, and moving my Dad’s materials to the new WordWise blog.
Anyway, that’s just a little first-month-of-the-year update. Hope you’re all doing well!