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  1. Grandma C
    6 July 2008 @ 6:43 pm

    Found your observations very interesting. About customer service: we’ve noticed a decline in this area for several years, depending on the store, but I’d say it’s even worse in the last couple of years. Some of it may be a result of the labour shortage caused by the oil boom. And, sadly, by the many who would be working in this type of job if they hadn’t lost their lives in abortions. Strange how we never hear about the latter in the mainstream media.

    It must have been quite a relief to again be able to understand the language being spoken around you. There are paranoid people who often think others are talking about them when they can’t hear them, even if they are speaking the same language. And, I think most of us feel just a little uneasy when those within our hearing are talking in a language we can’t understand. I can’t imagine the culture shock of being alone in a place where everyone is conversing in a (to you) foreign language.

  2. Michelle
    13 July 2008 @ 3:59 pm

    Jim, you are right. We are rich! Filthy rich!! Even the poorest Canadians have wealth beyond the understanding of some who live in Mexico and other impoverished countries. I believe those of us who stay home have a HUGE, yet most often neglected duty of sharing. A sharing of their wealth, their hospitality, and their faith. May God bless and reward your family, even this side of Heaven, as you serve Him wholeheartedly – body, mind, soul and wallet – every day in Mexico.

  3. Rhonda
    18 July 2008 @ 9:21 am

    Good list. One thing that is different for us – I fully expect customer service to be worse, but yet more like I like it. 🙂 I can’t get used to the overbearing, follow-me-around-the-store service we get here.

    As for healthy snacks: I look forward to buying potato chips that aren’t made with aspartame! 🙂

  4. Jim
    18 July 2008 @ 1:14 pm

    I’m sorry – could you repeat that? Did you say potato chips with aspartame? You must be kidding. That shouldn’t be legal.

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