Our Weekend in Texcoco and Pachuca (video)
A report on our weekend in Texcoco and Pachuca. I had to cut out a few clips here and there to make it under 10 minutes, but other than that I think it went all right (yes, and after 10 minutes I still left things out – busy weekend!). 😉 I actually recorded this this morning, but wasn’t able to post it until now, due to unforeseen (by me, not God) circumstances.
Also, I talk about something I got in the mail, and a creative way you might be able to touch a community here in Mexico City if you’re interested. Check it out…
14 November 2009 @ 11:35 pm
Amazing, isn’t it, all the skills and talents that God can use as we try to reach others, form friendships and introduce them to the Lord.
Teaching English isn’t so hard to imagine as a way to do this in a country where Spanish is the main language, but I’d not thought of baking until Shari, along with other ladies, began to teach how to make pies, etc.
God does indeed work in mysterious ways his wonders to perform!