Update from FortÃn de las Flores
As sometimes happens, it’s been too busy to take the time to blog about why we’ve been so busy! But I finally have a few moments to breath, so I thought I’d stop by and give you a quick update.
![]() We found this gecko in the fridge in our room at the hotel in Fortín. We thought it was dead, but we warmed it up and it revived. He’s now probably out somewhere catching bugs. Very small ones! |
I’m writing from the town of Fortín de las Flores, where we’ve had our annual conference of CAM missionaries in Mexico for the past couple of years (this year makes 3). We’re enjoying time with friends, times of worship, study and prayers – all that good stuff.
Back in Ixtapaluca, a lot has been happening since I last wrote. We’ve started working in earnest on the Christmas performance that our English students are going to put on (on the 11th of December). I started working a bit with them on the songs and the drama last week.
Shari and I also may be singing at this production, so we need to get working on that. Meanwhile, we’re going to sing here at the conference as a part of the worship time one day, so that will be fun.
We’re also practising as a music worship team at church for a Christmas performance, where I’ll be on the keyboard as usual.
Shari continues to work hard on the baking ministry. There’s a lot of interest and it’s going very well, though of course it’s a lot of work! But it’s been a great way to make friends.
On Revolution Day (the 20th) both Hannah and Nathanael had special activities with parents at their schools. So Shari went to Nathanael’s school, and I went to Hannah’s. I’ll try to get some photos up eventually. Nathanael even got to do a performance he’s been working on – he’s the maestro of the baton…
We’ve also been producing a newsletter, which should arrive in your mailbox (if you’re part of our team) in the next couple of weeks.
I’m adjusting (maybe) to a new (to me) medication for migraine. That keeps life interesting – I’ll be seeing the specialist again in December.
We’ve also been dealing with a bit of a situation with our housing situation here – I won’t go into details, but we would appreciate your prayers that things would be worked out and that we would have special wisdom.
I’ll leave it at that for now – Lord willing we’ll see you Sunday for the weekly Promises of a Messiah post, if not before!