Flooding getting worse (more videos)
In spite of the fact that there hasn’t been any rain in the last few days, in some areas the flooding actually seems to be getting worse. This is because water is still pouring out of the sewage canal. As our co-worker Rod put it, can you imagine sewage water in your refrigerator, your stove, your pantry?
Of course, if the water has gone down in your area, your fridge and stove may have been bulldozed out of the way, in an attempt to clean the streets. The filth is a huge problem, made worse by the fact that people don’t have enough clean water.
The good news is, you can help! Our mission has set up a specific project for the disaster relief. Here’s what you can do…
To help flood victims
You can send a donation either to CAM International (in the USA) or CAM International of Canada. Make a note with your donation that it’s for Project #062250. For information on how to donate, click here.
Next, please let us know that you’ve donated. Then we’ll be able to buy what we need right away, rather than waiting for your actual cheque to go through the system.
We’re already collecting items for our neighbours who have lost everything in this flood. There’s also talk of setting up a kind of a soup kitchen to serve breakfast to people.
Even a few dollars would provide something – some clean water, a meal, etc.
More updates
Here are some more videos so you can see the current extent of the flooding here. They’re in Spanish, but they still give you an idea even if you don’t understand the language.
But to give you an overview – people are concerned about disease with the lack of clean water. If they have anything left, they’re concerned about looting, and so many have gone back to their houses, in spite of the growing danger from the sewage.
Recent news coverage:
From above (yes, those rivers used to be streets):
There’s also reports that more rain might be coming later this week. Hopefully, this won’t happen.