On the Road Again…

Driving north in the state of Nuevo Leon, Mexico
Courtesy of Google Maps
Well, we’ve decided to do a little more travelling – just a little – and this time is will be mostly holidays. 🙂
Tomorrow we’re going to head into the middle of Mexico City to visit with someone we met in Canada this past summer. She’s spending some months doing ministry here in Mexico, so we’re finally going to connect with her and enjoy a bit of time together.
Then we’re back in Ixtapaluca for Resurrection Sunday at our new church! So we’re very excited about that!
Then the next day (Monday) we’re going to head north for (mostly) family holidays for 10 days. For 6 of those days we’ll be enjoying the Mexican countryside, visiting friends in Mexico, driving and hanging out in general.
For the other 4 we’ll be in the USA, popping up to the Dallas to visit more friends, and pick up some supplies for the ministry, pick up our mail and other peoples’, and more driving and hanging out. 🙂
We’ll also be enjoying time at the border renewing some paperwork, and likely paying out some money for this and that – hopefully it will be a minimum!
It will be good to have some time away as a family in the middle of such a busy time. Hannah and Nathanael have special permission to come back a few days late for school (their holidays end on the 12th, but they’ll be back in school on the 15th). We arranged it that way so that we could be home for this Sunday.
Anyway, I don’t know how much time we’ll have to connect between now and when we’re back, so I just wanted to let you know what’s happening. We would appreciate your prayers as we travel and cross borders.
Have a great weekend remembering the One who brought us Salvation!