Oh Deer! Depressing Drama during Drive Day 2!
Actually, everything went very smoothly today except for one thing. You guessed it – we hit a deer.
The good news is (and actually there was a lot of good news today) that we were just leaving a town and driving slow. And, of course, when I saw the deer, I drove slower and slower.
As I was driving slower and slower, the deer was trying to decide if it should stop (good choice), turn (pretty good choice), or go out in front of the van (bad choice). It chose unwisely.
So we hit it on the drivers’ side. But we’re all fine – as I said, I was going pretty slowly at this point.
The deer? Well, it lived and got away. I’m afraid we weren’t able to find out just how badly off it was.
The van? Well, we were able to keep driving all the way to our hotel. But some repairs are going to be needed. A headlight was smashed, and just how extensive the body damage is we’re not sure.
We’re hoping to take it in tomorrow and have it checked out, so we would appreciate your prayers that we can get it checked out and dealt with in a timely fashion.
The good news? Well, you already read some of it, didn’t you? Everyone is fine, the kids are in bed, and we’re thankful that the Lord protected us. We also had a very uneventful border crossing today, and the rest of the trip went quickly and smoothly.
What happens next? Well, it depends on what the mechanics say, if we can find any tomorrow. We’ll be playing it by ear.
What can I say? Another day in the life . . .
9 November 2011 @ 10:35 pm
Sorry to hear about the deer and the need for repairs already. But so thankful YOU dears are fine! It’s sure good you weren’t going too fast. These beasties sure are unpredictable. I’ve had my own experiences with them, but only near misses (or should that be “near hits”).
I prayed several times about the border crossing. Good thing the Lord knows about the things we don’t pray for.
Thanks for keeping us posted.
10 November 2011 @ 7:34 am
Whew! That was a close one. Hope you get it fixed and get back on the road soon. There’s too much work to do in Mexico for you guys to be there longer. 🙂 have a safe trip.