A Brief Visit to Canada
Believe it or not, we are on our way to Canada! But we’ll only be there a few days.
Since returning to Mexico in November, we’ve been working on issues related to our visas. A number of things have changed, and so we’ve basically been starting from scratch with a number of documents.
Our work on this has been in some ways a comedy of errors. Emails didn’t arrive, information was lost, there were meetings about things that don’t concern us and yet impacted some document somewhere, changes in Mexican law…
The work goes on, as we try to get documents from Canada and documents from Mexico and figure out legal issues.
To make a long story short, our visas are expiring and we are required to leave the country – and then come back.
It’s not what we would have chosen. However, we can see some good things in all this.
First of all, we will be able to briefly visit Shari’s parents and my parents. Obviously this is not something we are able to do very often!
Secondly, we do have some business to do in Canada, and this may actually save us a trip down the road. So we’ll try to make the most of our time and deal with some things while we’re there.
Some of the things we’re planning to do should actually save us some money, so thankfully it’s not a 100% drain on the wallet!
As an added bonus, we get to see our Mothers right around Mother’s Day, and the Grandparents get to see the Grandkids right around their birthdays!
So we’re off for a few days. If you think of it, do pray for us as this will be a challenging trip in many ways. Also, pray for our visa situation. We had an encouraging meeting on Monday, and hope that we’ll be able to get the final documents in order very soon.
All right, gotta run. We have a plane to catch.