Memory Verse Day 24: Want to Know the Will of God?
(Romanos 12:2 NBLH)
"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."
(Romans 12:2 ESV)
This is the second verse which started with Romans 12:1 yesterday.
There’s something here that I’m not sure I’ve really thought about before. Did you notice that Paul’s focus is on things that are very – down to earth? What I mean is, in verse 1 he tells us to offer our bodies, then he further instructs us that we must be transformed by the renewal of our mind.
As a matter of fact, even the word in verse 1 translated by the ESV spiritual doesn’t necessarily refer to something supernatural. It can also be translated reasonable (as the KJV and NET) – the realm of the rational, in other words. You could say, this is the logical thing to do.
So once again, God is very interested in our bodies and our minds. It’s so easy for the mind to start conforming to the world. Before you realize it, you’re thinking a little differently about something, feeling a little different about something, and it’s not a godly way.
But we are to allow God to transform us by the renewal of our minds.
Paul talks about setting our minds on the Spirit (Romans 8:6). It’s part of the process of putting off the old sinful self and putting on the new self (Ephesians 4:20-24).
The last phrase of the verse is maybe a little clumsy to translate into English. The ESV has opted for a longer phrase to clarify. By testing you may discern what is the will of God. In other words, as you allow the Spirit to transform you, putting on the new self, choosing to live in righteousness, you’ll begin to understand, by experience, what the will of God is.
So it’s probably not saying that you’ll suddenly discover what job to take or who to marry. Instead, living in righteousness you’ll begin to see by experience how good God’s will is.
Also, if I understand it correctly, this verse isn’t suggesting that we’ll find the good will of God – His perfect will, as opposed to some other will. It’s not that you’ll be able to make the best decision instead of a merely acceptable decision.
No, this verse is only talking about one will of God. God’s will is what it is – and it is good, acceptable and perfect. That’s just what God’s will is. If you choose to live in righteousness, instead of fighting against God or living with a lack of faith, you’ll begin to see clearly how perfect His will is.
5 May 2012 @ 2:33 pm
Your comments on this verse are helpful. Thank you.