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  1. Tina
    16 October 2012 @ 4:13 pm

    Recently, Halloween

  2. Jim
    16 October 2012 @ 6:05 pm

    Hey Tina, good additions.

    I actually did have dancing on the list. It just didn’t make the top 7. I guess people aren’t talking about it as much online.

    I suspect that dancing is so firmly embedded in the culture that people are not as quick to question it (or brave enough to question it!).

    Hallowe’en – I don’t think this one is as big here in the Christian community, because here it’s a part of the “death-fest” (as someone we know and love called it) connected with the Days of the Dead. It’s far more directly connected with death and animistic practices here than it would be in Canada (and I suspect the USA). So at this point, I think most Christians would be quick to distance themselves from the whole celebration, of which Hallowe’en is becoming a part.

    I suspect at this point Hallowe’en would be a bigger issue in Canada and the USA – and it’s a totally different issue there. But again, it’s also very embedded in the culture there, so Christians are going to be slower to question it.

    It may be that 5-10 years down the road Hallowe’en will become more distanced from the Days of the Dead, and so become more of a separate issue. On the other hand, it does seem that the two are becoming firmly connected, due to the eagerness of the stores to “sell” the whole thing together.

    But this new Hallowe’en/Days of the Dead holiday remains very religious, the mix of animistic beliefs and Roman Catholicism that is so ordinary here.

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