“Phase 3” and Upcoming Events
In Mexico, when it comes to COVID-19 “phases”, phases 1, 2 and 3 are bad, and then starting with phase 4 recovery begins. At least, that’s the theory. So essentially, phase 3 is a recognition that COVID-19 is an epidemic in Mexico.
So when the government finally announced this week that we are in “phase 3”, what changed? Basically, the announcement was – “We’re now in phase 3. Remember how we told you to be careful? Now we’re really really serious. BE CAREFUL!”
It appears that it’s not so much a matter of new laws from the federal government, but changes more locally as organizations see fit. Local governments, but even more businesses, who are deciding as they go how to handle the situation and interpret what “phase 3” means for them.
For example, in Mexico City in recent days, 20% of the public transportation has been shut down, and face masks are required if you’re on the bus or train (although just how much this will be enforced is uncertain).
“No drive days” were also expanded. Some of you may remember that in Mexico City cars are not allowed to drive on certain days (depending on the last number of their license plate). Newer vehicles can avoid this (ours is just barely new enough) by getting an emissions test. So now we’ve gone to being able to drive every day to having 6 or 7 days per month when we’re not allowed to drive.
Local businesses are either closing down for now, or enforcing special measures for health, or – let’s be honest – not doing much differently at all.
So enough about all that – what activities do we have coming up in the next few days?
We’re continuing a Bible study on basic Christianity, designed to help us to teach others. Tonight’s topic – Who is Jesus? – focusing on what He said about Himself, and what His early followers said. (In case you’re curious, we’ve been using Google Meet for these studies.)
Tomorrow is our online service. We’re (Lord willing) switching to full-on video interaction with the whole congregation, using GoToMeeting. Our services, thankfully, have been very interactive since the beginning, with prayer and sharing times carrying on as normal. But this is the first service, other than a special Good Friday service, when we’ve attempted to get everyone onto at least audio and hopefully in most cases two-way video.
We’re continuing our study of the book of Daniel, which for me has been even more relevant than I expected. Visions of God’s hidden hand in times of trouble – why wouldn’t it be relevant?
Anyway, Rod will be getting us into the 70 weeks of Daniel, in the incredible Daniel chapter 9.
Next week we’ll be continuing our hermeneutics class with the second set of students. It’s exciting times because we’re really starting to get into the nitty-gritty of interpreting passages of the Bible. We’re also continuing with the Old Testament survey course, switching to more frequent but shorter classes.
And of course in between all the regular studies and prep for the studies, we’re trying to serve one another as we’re able.
These are busy times, actually. For those who have been paying attention the past few years, we traditionally consider “manic May” one of our busiest times of the year, and this year is proving to be no exception! But I suppose it’s nice to know that there are some things that haven’t changed.