You’ve heard of long-term, and short-term, but…
… what about mid-term? It’s an increasing reality in the world of missions. People want something with more depth than a 10 day trip, and yet they can’t / aren’t ready to / don’t feel called to / are still thinking about long-term.
So what do they do? They come mid-term – for a year or two (or even three), and get some real experience on the field.
Camino Global (CAM Canada’s partner in the USA) has made this video to show a bit of mid-term life. And it features one of our very own mid-termers – Tiffany Taylor!
We sure hope she stays even longer. But whether she does or not, we need help to reach this part of Mexico for Christ! Will you think and pray about it?
Who is considering mid-term these days? People who are retiring, and ready to make a new impact in the world. Students who want to learn more about the world before they finish their studies. People who are just starting out, but who want to explore opportunities in another culture. Families, who are at a stage when they can give their children a longer term experience. People on sabbatical, or who are considering a switch in careers.
I can tell you, mid-termers have had a HUGE impact on the ministry here!
22 September 2012 @ 5:37 pm
Thanks you, Tiffany, for sharing your experience as a mid-termer in Iztapaluca. You obviously have a heart for God and for the people around you there. What an encouraging testimony.
Going beyond our comfort zone is not easy for most. But, if He is leading, He’ll also provide all we need to follow. I’m praying that He will show you that He’s concerned about every detail of your life day by day.