Please Pray: Preaching Tomorrow!
I could write out a big prayer request every time I was about to preach – and maybe I should! But I know a lot of people pray even though I don’t ask. Thanks! 🙂
Tomorrow I’ll be at Iglesia BÃÂblica Sendero de Vida Santa Barbara (the first church plant we were involved in in Ixtapaluca) to kick off a series on Isaiah. No, I’m not preaching the whole series, just the first sermon – and maybe others down the road!
Anyway, it’s a great book and a fascinating chapter and I hope I can share the truth faithfully and get people excited about the chapters to come.
And as with any sermon, I want to let the Spirit work in a powerful way – without getting in His way!
But I’m particularly asking for prayer this time because my health has been rather rotten the last couple of days. So please pray that either my health will be good in the morning, or that God will use me in spite of bad health. Actually, pray whatever you want – that’s between you and God! 🙂
And to close, here’s one of the less-quoted but more fascinating verses from chapter 1:
and those in her who repent, by righteousness.
Isaiah 1:27
How’s that going to work? Well, come tomorrow to the service and you might find out! 😉