Memorizing Philippians? An Update.
If you’re trying to memorize Philippians by the end of the year with me, you should ideally be around Philippians 3:6 or Philippians 3:7. I’m “finished” Philippians 3:4, so just slightly behind.
One thing I have noticed about this whole memorization scheme is that it is very hard to catch up, because it’s all based on repetition. You could, I suppose, do a verse in the morning and a verse at night, but it really is ideal to just do a verse a day — which means if you fall behind, it’s hard to catch up.
Of course I’ve built in a little leeway, so I’m mostly still just doing a verse a day.
Anyway, I’m overall very happy with the Davis method (read more here).
Anyway, back to the passage itself. A lot about unselfishness, sacrifice, and persecution. We have the wonderful passage in the first part of chapter 2 about Jesus’ self-sacrifice on the cross (Philippians 2:5-11).
All of this is an illustration of how we should look to the interests of others. And Timothy and Epaphroditus are examples of this. Timothy, who faithfully served with Paul for the sake of the Gospel, even when others were more concerned with their own affairs (Philippians 2:19-22). And Epaphroditus, who risked his life for the Gospel, and is obviously concerned about others (Philippians 2:25-30).
Now Paul is launching into a wonderful passage, where he will show how Christ is of more value than anything else.
So if you’re still memorizing, even if you’re well behind, keep going! I know there are a few of you who started out with me – feel free to leave a comment and let us know how it’s going.