So What’s Happening in Ixtapaluca?
We’ve been home for a week now! We’re getting some questions about our plans for the fall, our schedule, and things like that.
So far we can’t answer those questions very well! Since we got home, we’ve been doing a lot of communicating and praying and organizing. Preparing for the upcoming months, whatever they may hold.
So we would appreciate your prayers as we continue the process!
I can say that there is a lot of coming and going happening over the next week! Emily Tiel will be coming from Canada to serve in Ixtapaluca until the spring. Emily is a student at Millar College of the Bible.
Our friend Tina Barham will be going on Home Assignment in the USA, leaving on Tuesday. Tina is very busy right now – without going into any details, could I ask you to please pray for Tina, especially over the next few days? Please pray that God would give her extra wisdom, endurance, and peace during this time.
A few hours after Tina leaves, we hope to welcome Julian and Malu Grymaloski to Ixtapaluca. The Grymaloskis will be serving with us until Christmas time.
So, naturally we’re working to make sure all this coming and going goes smoothly, and planning trips and classes and orientation and things for the next few weeks.
Things are going well here in general. We praise the Lord for what He has been doing in the lives of so many! At the same time, we’re facing new challenges and trials. May God continue to guide!