Real Life
We’ve definitely been experiencing real life lately! Sometimes we wish we weren’t! 🙂 I guess it depends on how you define it.
Last week we picked up Teresa from the airport, and have been enjoying our time with her. Here’s one of the many times when we’ve enjoyed Mexican food together – our first stop was for pozole, a wonderful hearty soup.
We also spent some time doing a little site-seeing and introducing Teresa to Mexican culture – and, as always, learning more ourselves!
I’ve enjoyed some great opportunities to talk about “real life” with people lately. For example, last week Teresa was a help at the last minute – staying with Hannah and Nathanael while Shari and I went to a wake. The mother of one of our friends passed away, and I was asked to speak to the friends and family who were gathered.
In case you’re wondering, I talked about 1Corinthians 15:55-58. Death is bad – which is why we need victory over it. And that victory comes only to believers in the Saviour, Jesus Christ. For us, the good we do can live into eternity. Real life.
Speaking of doing good, Jessica was out at the community centre in Jesús MarÃÂa tonight, teaching a painting class to over 20 eager students, including Hannah. They were painting our local iconic volcanoes. Looks like it was a lot of fun!
We’re also working frantically on some home school issues – we appreciate your prayers as we try to find solutions to various issues. And I’m looking forward to leading a special service on Sunday, all about … well, I won’t spoil the surprise.
26 January 2015 @ 4:39 pm
Nice picture, Shari and Teresa 🙂
26 January 2015 @ 4:44 pm
Great pic!